“I Have No Fear Of Economic Collapse”

The following article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. His articles are spot on and his relentless research gives us a glimpse of what clearly may happen in the days ahead. I challenge you to read his article below carefully and then consider exactly what he is saying. Then turn to your Bible and consider if Bible Prophecy is related to the clear and present danger America and the rest of the world is facing right now. (Used by permission)

I am not afraid of an economic collapse.  Coming from someone that runs “The Economic Collapse Blog”, I am sure that sounds like a very odd statement.  But it is true.  I have no fear of economic collapse, even though I am fully convinced that the hardest times that any of us have ever experienced are ahead.  I spend countless numbers of hours in front of my computer immersed in deeply disturbing information, and yet I sleep more soundly at night than I ever have before.  In fact, my wife and I seek to live in a constant state of “shalom”, which is the Hebrew word for peace.  So how is this possible?  How can “the economic collapse guy” not be absolutely overwhelmed by fear, depression and paranoia?

Unlike so many that write about these things, I believe that preparation for what is ahead goes far beyond the physical.  So I am constantly stressing the need for mental, emotional and especially spiritual preparation.  Personally, I have absolutely no idea how atheists are going to make it through what is coming.  They don’t understand why they are here, they don’t understand why history is unfolding the way that it is, and they have absolutely no hope for the future beyond this life.  If you greatly fear death and you can’t stand to lose the possessions that you have accumulated, the years ahead are going to be exceedingly difficult for you.

My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ gives my life meaning and purpose.  He took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the same for you.

I also strongly advocate physical preparation for the hard years that are coming.  My wife and I work very hard to store up food and supplies.  The funny thing is that there are Christians out there that actually accuse me of being “anti-faith” for doing these things.  Apparently they believe that we should all just sit around watching television while we wait for God to do everything for us.

But that isn’t how it works.  In the Bible, we see that exercising faith almost always involves action.  Noah, Joseph and others acted in faith based on the warnings that they had received, and they were commended for it.

Are we acting on the warnings that we have received?  For much more on this subject, please see my previous article entitled “Is It “Anti-Faith” To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse?

Knowledge and preparation help to eliminate fear.  If you understand what is happening, and you know why it is happening, and you have prepared for what is happening, it makes the challenges that are ahead of you easier to tackle.

When you were in school, who got the most freaked out by quizzes and tests?

It was those that were not prepared for them of course.

In the years ahead, a lot of people are going to be jumping off of buildings, jumping in front of trains, etc.  Others will plunge into a dark hole of depression and despair that they will never come back from.

The vast majority of those people will have never listened to the warnings and will have done nothing to get prepared.

Those that accuse me and others like me of “spreading fear” have got it completely backwards.

We are not “spreading fear” at all.  We are spreading hope.  There is hope in understanding what is happening and there is hope in getting prepared.

The preparations that are being made right now all over the nation are going to save countless numbers of lives.  Those that are mocking preppers and that are telling everyone that everything is going to be just fine are going to deeply regret doing so someday.

Although I will admit that sometimes preppers are prone to a “bunker mentality”, and that is not the right approach.

Now is not the time to dig a hole and try to hide from the world.

You were born for such a time as this.  It is when times are the darkest that the greatest heroes are needed.  Personally, my wife and I believe that the greatest move of God the world has ever seen is coming, and we very much want to be part of it.

Yes, the years ahead are going to be extremely challenging.  In fact, I don’t think that any of us can truly grasp the horror that is coming because we don’t really have any frame of reference for it.

It is kind of like trying to explain to someone that was blind from birth what a tree looks like.  You can spend hours describing the tree, but unless you have some sort of frame of reference, the understanding simply is not going to be there.

Sometimes I try to sit down and write about what is ahead of us, but I find that words fail me.  For example, I recently did a piece entitled “The Last Days Of Normal Life In America” that was very popular, but the truth is that it was woefully inadequate because I don’t really have a good frame of reference for what we are about to face.  I don’t know that too many people out there actually do.

As “watchmen on the wall”, those of us that are trying to warn this nation are just trying to do the best that we can with what we have.

And we aren’t just sitting behind our computers “cursing the darkness” either.

A few of my fellow “watchmen” have joined with me to try to do something special.  Nathan Leal, Benjamin Baruch, Lyn Leahz and I have organized a nationwide call to prayer and repentance on the weekend of September 18th to September 20th.  It is going to be held at the Sandpoint Events Center in Sandpoint, Idaho, and we already know of people coming in from nine different states and Canada for this event.

In addition, similar gatherings are being organized all around the nation, and thousands that cannot attend an event in person are going to be able to participate by watching the livestream on Lyn Leahz’s 69,000 subscriber YouTube channel.

In the end, there is a limit to what each one of us can do individually, but if we work together we can collectively make a great difference.

Now is not a time for fear.  Perfect love casts out fear.  This is a time for the Remnant to rise up and to spread a message of hope even in the midst of all the chaos and darkness that is coming.

Yes, the times ahead are going to be more chaotic that any of us could probably imagine right now.  But let us reject all fear, depression and despair, and let us endeavor to become people of great faith, great hope and great love.

(End of Michael's article)


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

Coram Deo

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

BLACK HORSE – Third Seal – Global Economic Collapse!!

"And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. " -Rev 6:5-6 (KJV)


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Blood Moon Tetrads: Feasts, Rapture, Israel, Wars

Blood Moon Tetrads: Feasts, Rapture, Israel, Wars

The coming four back-to-back blood moons (lunar eclipses – NASA calls this collection a tetrad) in 2014 and 2015 could be very significant for Israel, the Jews and therefore the rest of the world. What will they bring? What do they mean?

In Gen 1:14 – “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: “

The Hebrew word for “signs” is owth meaning an omen or warning (Strong’s #226) and for “seasons” is moed which means an appointed time/assembly/festival (Strong’s #H4150). This means that God can/has and will use the sun and the moon to warn mankind that something is coming – this can be especially applicable to Israel.

Three tetrads occurring on the Lord’s Feast days (Lev 23) have occurred in 1493-1494, 1949-1950 and 1967-1968, and were very significant to the land of Israel and the Jews, wherever they were located. These were/are very significant in the area of Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Before during and after those tetrads, these events occurred to Israel:

  • The Spanish Inquisition — 1492 (Spain kicked all the Jews out)
  • The War of Independence — 1948 (Israel became a nation)
  • The Six-Day War — 1967 (Israel recaptured Jerusalem)

Previous to 1493 there were 4 other tetrads since 1 AD. Those also had impacts on/to Israel; some direct and some indirect (I have not listed them here). What will occur in the 2014–2015 time period? Keep in mind that there are no more tetrads that coincide with Biblical Feast Days for the rest of the 21st century;  2014-2015 are the last ones. Also, keep in mind that there are two solar eclipses within this tetrad time frame – one in March 2015 (Nisan 1) and the other at the Feast of Trumpets on Sept 13, 2015. It is taught by Jewish rabbis that these lunar eclipses are signs used by God for judgment on the nation of Israel and that solar eclipses are indicators of judgments to the nations of the world.

What am I saying? The bottom line is that God has told Israel (and us) that His Feast days are important and are considered dress rehearsals of things to come. We should be paying close attention as He said in Joel 2:30, Luke 21:25 and Acts 2:19 that He would show wonders in the heavens above…in the sun, stars, in the moon. Will anything major occur to Israel or the nations during this tetrad? Time will tell but as a Christian you must be aware that God has set in the heavens His 'billboard' for proclaiming His signs. We must understand this completely!

The Lord says in Leviticus 23:4 (KJV) These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.”

The phrase "holy convocations" is the Hebrew word – miqra, which means – "a rehearsal" (Strong’s H4744). The Feasts of the Lord were therefore appointed times of worship and reflection ordained by God for Israel that served as holy dress rehearsals of prophetic events that were yet to be fulfilled – they were "My feasts", declared the Lord God. It was through these Feasts of the Lord that Almighty God (YAHWEH) was showing Israel what His plan for the future of mankind was. Jesus first coming fulfilled the first four feasts or the spring feasts. His second advent or return will therefore fulfill the last 3 or the fall feasts beginning with the Feast of Trumpets. In Paul's letter to the Colossians 2:16-17, he says that we should pay attention to these holy days as they are shadows of things to come. Let's keep in mind that God does nothing by chance or coincidence – there is a purpose in everything He has done and will do. Even our lives are not lived 'by chance' or happenstance, there is a purposeful design and reason in everything we do and in every choice we make.

"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:  Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." -Col 2:16-17 (KJV)

Rapture – Feast of Trumpets

The rapture of the Church described in 1 Th 4:16-18 and in 1 Cor 15:51-53, is believed by many to coincide sometime during this two-day Feast of Trumpets (known as the Feast 'no man knoweth the day or hour'). Note that the Feast of Trumpets is known by the Jews as the feast that no one knows the day or hour. Why? Because the feast can only be declared by the sighting of the new moon in Israel. So the exact day that this feast begins cannot be calculated by man. When Christ comes for His church (the bride) He will come at a time unbeknownst to them paralleling the Jewish Wedding when the bride was unaware when her betrothed was to arrive. The bride and her bridal party always had to be ready. The bridegroom (Jesus Christ) then would carry her off to her new (His) home in (heaven).

This Feast will occur this year on Sept 13-14, 2015. My point in writing this is that if the Rapture occurs sometime during the Feast of Trumpets (I set no dates), the saved Christians who are actually living a Christian life will be caught away in the twinkling of an eye – 1 Cor 15:51-52. The ones left here will be the unsaved, the unbelievers: the ones that don’t believe in Christ as their Savior and haven’t lived a Christian life but have lived mainly for their own pleasure and according to their own will – desires of the flesh, greed, or lust – not knowing the Lord or His will  – Matt 7:21-23.

There will be MUCH confusion and chaos on the earth as most likely millions of people will disappear and the ones left will be in a state of shock. The Age of Grace of which we live in now will close (Luke 21:24) and revert back to the Age of the Law in which ancient Israel lived in in the OT. Times will get increasingly difficult and it will not be easy to live. This could occur right before the start of the 7-year Tribulation period prophesied in Dan 9, which will bring the Wrath of God (the Day of the Lord) upon the earth and mankind unlike ever seen before in the history of the world – Dan 12:1.

This is a very brief discussion of these topics – so much more can be said. A huge question lingering in your mind should be, "How then does this all apply to me?" Well, if you are not saved and the rapture occurs then you will have an extremely tough time here on earth. If you decide you want to become saved then you will have a tough time even surviving keeping in mind that this Tribulation period will usher in the Antichrist, his False Prophet and his Mark of the Beast. Considering all this, the most important point is, are you saved today? If not, I urge you to read Romans 10:9-13 and call upon the Lord; confess your sins and profess and believe that God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead. From this point on, living a Biblically Christian life, you will secure a place in heaven and will live forever with Jesus Christ.

-BPWatcher – Internet Preacher and Prophecy Watcher

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" –2 Peter 3:11-12 (KJV)


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Global Extreme Weather Birth Pains Getting Fiercer

"Japan floods: City of Joso hit by 'unprecedented' rain ", BBC – 9/10/2015

"Israelis suffer through worst dust storm in 10 years ", Jerusalem Post – 9/10/2015

"West Africa under water: Over 30 dead in heavy flooding ", The Watchers – 9/9/2015

"Extremely heavy rain turns roads of southern Spain into rivers ", The Watchers – 9/8/2015

Bible Prophecy Commentary: Weather Birth Pains –

These are just a few of the extreme weather patterns ramping up all over the world. Is the Lord God Almighty sending us warning messages in the weather with even greater emphasis these days? Recall Matt 24:7-8;and Luke 21:11, 25-26. Please pay attention to the events speaking to us through non-verbal voices from heaven. Remember, the Lord's ways are not our ways – Isa 55:8.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nighWatch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." -Luke 21:28, 36 (KJV)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

Coram Deo

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. "  -Matt 24:7 (KJV)

"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." -Luke 21:11 (KJV)


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