WARNING: Hell Has Many Big and Wide Doors to Get In but NO Doors to Get Out!

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:” -Isa 55:6 (KJV)

The only source of rock solid truth today is found in God’s word – the Bible. Our only trust is in the Lord; salvation is found nowhere else than through the saving power of Christ’s blood on the Cross of Calvary. Yet …

There are many who have created supplementary books but they were not given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And there are some who trust in their “horses and chariots” – their strength or in other worldly things – Psa 20:7. Certainly there are those who have chosen to trust in men or flesh and as such are severely chastised by the Lord in Isa 2:22 and Jer 17:5.  And don’t forget those that trust in their church or their religion. Perhaps in their pastors, priests, bishops or a ‘fallible’ man or woman for their source of hope and salvation.

Friends, Almighty God is our only hope, our only strength, trust and faith. Through His Son – Jesus Christ – we can approach the throne of grace and it is only through Him that we can obtain salvation. There is absolutely no other way! But … many will say in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not do this and that in your name … And I will say depart from me for I don’t know you, you workers of iniquity (Matt 7:21-23). The reality of all this is there is a heaven and hell. Unfortunately, many people are up on the wide road – the fast moving highway, you know easy street, the smooth way, the happy way, easy on and no worries, traffic is great – Matt 7:13-14.

However, for those that know the Lord as their Savior, and trust only in Him, they’re on the narrow road that must be strived for (to spiritually sweat) to stay on – Luke 13:24. Yes, the way is hard, and difficult – it takes work in faith and trust in Christ to chart the way – James 2:14-26; Phil 2:12. Albeit, there are only a ‘few’ on this road.

Seek the Lord – Call Upon His Name

What does this mean? It’s a daily activity; not a once a week affair at a church service. Seeking the Lord daily in sincerity is what’s needed; you will find the Lord when you search for Him with all of your heart – Jer 29:13. Salvation consists of calling upon the name of the Lord. How do we do this? Profess Him as God’s only Son sent here to be the sacrifice for our sins. Believe on Him. Confess your sins and then put action to those words through sincere [daily] repentance. And finally live out your life in fear of the Lord, daily assessing your position in Him with holiness in how you live. This then is seeking the Lord.

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you– unless indeed you fail the test?” -2 Cor 13:6 (NASB)

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

Now the flip side of this deal is to … do nothing! Live your life as you see fit, relying on men to be your guide, your source of truth, your trust. Perhaps you trust in your church to be your salvation or a man or group of men. These are ways that will not lead you to Christ. These will lead you down that wide road that leads to destruction. Yep, you heard right! Don’t believe me read God’s word yourself. If you claim to be intellectual then be wise and search out the truth in God’s word. Read your Bible!

Then There’s Hell – Many Wide Open Doors with No Exits

The Lord says to fear Him and not man. Why? For Luke 12:5 tells us, “But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!” – (ESV). Did you catch that? Fear. Hell. Cast into Hell. Yes, absolutely! This is the truth from God’s lips, not man’s.

Fearing the Lord involves reverent respect and also reverent trust and faith in Jesus Christ as God’s only Son and our only way to salvation. This also involves fear and trembling before a Holy and Righteous God. When we stand before Him it will not be like going to church. Any other belief is not the Gospel of truth and will lead to you being accursed – 2 Cor 11:4; Gal 1:8-9. 

The Burning Eternal Inferno

Many false religions ordain the doors of hell. You see there are many paths and doors into the eternal burning inferno for the road is wide and easy. Don’t have to do much to be ushered right into its midst, right on through the wide easy swinging doors. And folks, many, many lost souls have found their way into the bowels of hell through these doors. Those that have believed incorrectly but well meaning. Those with good intentions but no faith. Those who have lived a somewhat ‘good’ life but never put their faith and trust ONLY in Christ. Those that tried to reach salvation only through their good works.

Many, many are in hell and many, many are going for hell is always expanding its doors and rooms to accommodate its new inhabitants – Isa 5:14. Hell is real and there are no exits, no returns, no purgatory, no redemption found there, no God, eternal separation from God, constant flame, a worm eating upon you but you never being consumed (Mark 9:48).

No Memory Loss in Hell

And the most severe of torments – knowing that you could have chosen the narrow path – the way that would have led you to Christ and the memory of all the times you rejected Christ. Read Luke 16:19-31. I have excerpted vss 27-28 below. The scripture is clear! The truth of hell is explicit. This is what you can expect if you don’t turn to God and His Son for salvation. No scare intended but only the truth. You ever hear this in your church? Why not? For me personally, I would rather be scared into heaven with the no-kidding reality described by Jesus Himself than soothed into hell by the consistent soft-spoken, easy-to-swallow sermons from pulpit cowards called pastors or priests.  How about you? I’ve heard the easy, soft and watered-down Gospel for decades in church but never the reality of eternity’s doors. Get right with God and make sure you are seeking the truth found only in God’s word.

“Then he said, I pray thee ther0efore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.” -Luke 16:27-28 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman



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Two Roads: Narrow and Wide – Which One Are You On?

Two Gates, Two Roads, Two Ways

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14- For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” -Matt 7:13-14 (ESV)

Did you ever try and walk down a 2×4 lengthwise and not fall off? Then did you try a wide board, say a 2×12 or a wide post, say a 6×6. So what happened? I bet it was harder to stay on the 2×4 than on the 2×12. I would assume that to stay balanced and able to walk down the 2×4 was difficult and perhaps you fell off a few times but yet tried to get back on. How about you who have tried to walk the 2×4 but kept hurting your ankle falling off and you just couldn’t stay on?

Friends, the above is an example of the scripture text for this message found in Matt 7:13-14. The two gates and the two ways or roads. Please read it again a little slower and let the message the Lord is giving us, in this very descriptive text, of what course our lives take in our walk with Him. You see we only have two choices for there is no middle of the road or there is no being neutral in spiritual matters. You are either with Him or against Him – “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.” -Matt 12:30 (NLT)

WIDE WAY – The Easy Road

Listen to what Jesus said about the wide way – wide is the gate and easy or broad is the way that leads to destruction. Did you hear that? And then look what He says about who’s on that road – “many”! Many, folks, many choose to have an easy time of life, of serving Him but are missing the mark. They have fun and play with the things of God. Never admit they’re a sinner, never confess their sin or repent. Oh yeah, some go to church and make a good show or they go to ease their own conscience and punch the “I was there” scorecard. These would take walking on a 6×6 over the 2×4 any day despite that at the end of each of those two planks was a door that led them to eternal life – heaven for real believers and hell for the fake Christians.

In the case of the wide way the final destination is death – death in the physical and death in the spiritual with an eternal destination of hell. Examples of people that are on this path would be those that believe salvation is by works alone and/or follow the traditions of men rather than God’s word. They believe that “other’s” of/in the church can save them – mere men or mere women. They forget that the Bible says that all of us have sinned and fall short of the Glory of the Lord (Rom 3:23) – everyone: past, present and future no matter who you are. Examine also Rom 3:10. These, IMO, are just some of the ones on the broad, easy, wide road that according to Jesus will lead to destruction.

NARROW WAY – The Hard Road

Now read what the Lord says about the other choice, the other gate and way. The Lord is defining the exclusive nature of His kingdom by using the narrow road as a descriptor of its nature  and requirement of entrance. It’s narrow, and the way is hard but it’s the gate to life and friends, He says few find it.

Few!! Let that sink in for a few moments…

That means not many will be able to stay on this road. For one reason or another, some may get on but find following Jesus to be too hard (John 6:66), too difficult and would rather jump back on the easy street of the wide or broad way. This is a fact that many are taking today and apostasy is growing faster and faster. 

Following Jesus takes guts! Takes grit! Takes hard work. Takes courage and determination. Praying, fasting, reading the Bible daily, telling others the Good News of the Gospel. Counting the cost of discipleship is a daily tally – yours and mine. A daily cost to ones self; a daily sacrifice. To stay on the narrow way takes faith with true salvation. It requires a complete surrender and submission to Christ as Lord and Savior. No backing down. And it’s by grace alone. Nothing else and no one else. It’s 100% dedication, not 95 or 90 – all of you or nothing -Rom 6:13. You are all in or you are not in.

If you find yourself on the wide road (easy street) your final destination will not be fun or easy. Jesus explains several times what the result is and where it is for those that play Him, play Christianity, fake their faith. Search it out and read what He says about it.

In my opinion, Christian pastors today are hard at work widening the narrow road to make it more pleasing and easier to travel on when in fact it is not! Don’t let your pastor twist or spin this Gospel doctrine to make it sound easier or more palatable. Suggest to him to back off on the entertainment and teach the tough stuff of the Gospel. If he won’t … get out of there and find a Bible-teaching church, teaching the whole Bible.

Today is the day to let these words digest in in you and introspectively determine which road you are on. You and I have to do this every day for we can only be on one or the other. If you find yourself with one foot on the wide road and one foot on the narrow road then you are lukewarm and Jesus says He will vomit you out of His mouth – Rev 3:16.

So if you are on the wide road – get off it now! Get on the narrow road, go through the narrow gate of Jesus. And serve Him only, believe in Him only and follow His word (the Bible) only. All other methods are cheap, easy, and require little of any faith in the Lord.

So, bottom-line – which road are you on? Things are being shaken all over this planet now and IMO, it won’t be long before He comes to take His Bride, the church (the real born-again, Bible-believing, surrendered, committed, and faithful Christians and not the “pew rocks”) away in the rapture. You ready? 

“Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:” -Heb 12:25-26 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman




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Jesus said, “Except You Repent, You Shall Likewise Perish”.

Repent or Perish – There Are No Other Options For Eternal LIfe

This will not be a flowery or candy-coated message today. It will not be filled with pretty words. It is not a self-esteem message. It will not be laced with any comedy. This will not be a message that makes you feel good about yourself. But it will paint the Biblical way to enter God’s Kingdom when our lives are through here on earth. It will be God’s whole truth and right from Scripture. Please read to the end and then reassess where you are at with Almighty God. Pray and seek His wisdom. Read the Scriptures and verify what I am saying is the Gospel truth – Acts 17:11 – be a Berean. These words of Scripture are the bottom-line, no-kidding, without a doubt truth of salvation and eternal life.

Let me start out with the Christian bottom-line. “Repent or perish”. Now, these are not my words, these are from Jesus Himself. From the Gospel of Luke …

“And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? 3- I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” -Luke 13:2,3 (KJV)

He wasn’t talking about a certain class of people or culture or even geographical region but of people that were perhaps wrongfully executed by Pilate. Jesus didn’t comment on anything else other than to exclaim that without repentance, we will perish. His words are stunning, to the point and carry a message that cannot be misconstrued, maligned or reinterpreted to mean something more comforting. He was telling them and us that if we don’t repent of our sin before our death – timely or not, we will end up in the waiting room of hell Sheol or Hades!

Bring this down-home to our day __repentance__ is a doctrine that is almost extinct in most Christian churches and on most Christians lips today. It’s something pastors rarely preach, and people don’t even like to discuss much less practice. But let’s not forget … it’s an essential necessity established by Jesus and found throughout the Old and New Testaments. This is a requirement to enter His Kingdom, and there are no exceptions, alternatives or substitutes!

The fact that Jesus’ first sermon was on repentance – Matt 4:17 – should underline its importance to every born-again believer in Christ as their Lord

In fact, John the Baptist came preaching repentance – Matt 3:2; Mark 1:15

Many think that salvation is linked to a one-time casual prayer in which you invite Christ into your heart and poof you’re a Christian. Many Bible experts and prophecy teachers preach and teach this but it is not found in Scripture!  Please read Romans 10:9-13 – this is what God says you must do to become born-again and saved.

The doctrine of Biblical repentance then – the act of turning away from one’s sin (a u-turn in attitude and behavior) and back to God – is a foundational Biblical doctrine that CANNOT be swept under the carpet, marginalized or minimized. No excuses will be accepted.


There are very few preachers who are willing to preach this convicting doctrine for fear of losing their “pew-paying patrons”, or losing their eminence (status) in their sphere of influence.  (I went to a local “Christian” church for 12 years hearing little about sin, hell, repentance, or Godly sorrow. There were extremely rare altar calls and invitations for salvation – very pathetic, very sad.) In omitting this key doctrine they are, in fact, preaching as the Pharisees did and preventing others from entering the Kingdom of God – Matt 23:13. These types of pastors, preachers and/or teachers are nothing but pure cowards and will face a stricter judgment – James 3:1. And … this is not the church or teaching we as Christians should seek or remain under.

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” -Matt 23:13 (KJV)

It is essential that every preacher/teacher who is truly and firmly committed to teaching Scripture MUST preach repentance. No question, no excuses, no rationalizations … PERIOD! They/we should instead follow what Paul says in Acts 20:27 and declare (preach/teach) the full counsel of God.

Without a doubt then, repentance is a key theme throughout the Old and New Testaments and a key part of the Gospels. It CANNOT be ignored!

What is it then? Repentance is a turning away from your sin – making a U-turn, if you will, from the words, attitudes, thoughts or actions that cause you to sin. A change of mind that promotes action on our part. i.e. If you lust with your eyes, then quit lusting, confess it and make a commitment to turn your eyes from doing it again and be serious about this change. It is a Biblical practice spoken of often in both testaments. Luke 13:3, 5, says unless you repent you will perish. This underlines its importance in our own Christian lives. God is serious about this, He doesn’t joke around nor play games – Nahum 1:1-15, John 9:31.

“There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2- And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? 3- I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. 4- Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 5- I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” -Luke 13:1-5 (KJV)

Scriptures emphasize and underline the importance of repentance because it is necessary for changing our attitudes, behaviors and essentially our whole life. We must be willing to change otherwise God is not willing to forgive our sins according to scripture.  Some other scriptural examples of the Lord forgiving us if and when we repent are found in Ezekiel 33:10-20, Isaiah 55:6-7, Jeremiah 6:16-30 & 26:3, Acts 3:19.

You see, confessing your sin is only part of the requirement for receiving God’s forgiveness. 2 Peter 3:9, says that God doesn’t want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance. And Acts 3:19 states Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” Acts 8:22 further says, Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you

So we can see then that seeking God’s forgiveness for our sin requires that we confess and repent – actively deciding to turn away from committing it again. In this way, Jesus sees the attitude of our hearts to actually mean what we say in confessing our sins.

Repentance example: Even King David confessed his sin with Bathsheba and repented of it as written in Psalm 51.

Repentance – the Old and New Testaments echo this as the main theme, after salvation. Read what Proverbs says about those that hate the knowledge of God and don’t fear the Lord. This can be equated to a disregard of His word as written in the Bible, no confession of sin, no repentance of your sin, no fear of God, living an unholy life, etc.

“Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: 29- For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:” – Prov 1:28-29 (KJV)

So I interpret this to mean that in our Christian walk before He will even hear our prayers we are required to confess our sins and repent of them as often as needed (for me personally, this is daily). I myself am an ugly sinner and only by God’s Grace through Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the Cross do I have peace that my eternal destination is with God, with Jesus in heaven.

But you and me must  strive [daily] to read and seek the knowledge of His laws, precepts, statutes and commands written in the Scriptures. And we are to walk in the fear of the Lord – Acts 9:31; Deut 10:12. Hard and tough words today, I know, but ultimately the truth. Understand that repentance is not a one-time thing, it is part of our daily walk with our Lord, our Savior, and our God. Psalm 66:18, Prov 28:9, Isa 1:10-15.


-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

“Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.” -John 9:31 (KJV)


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