“Over 600 rockets fell inside Israel, over 140 intercepted so far”, YNet News – 7/13/2014
“IDF May Open Northern Front Amid Rocket Fire from Lebanon“, Breaking Israel News – 7/13/2014
“Thousands of Gaza civilians flee after Israeli warning”, Reuters – 7/13/2014
“Israeli Troops Enter Gaza to Take Out Missile Sites”, ABC News – 7/12/2014
“Iran teams up terrorists to attack Israel”, WND – 7/12/2014
Bible Prophecy Commentary: Wars and Rumors of Wars-
Is Obama’s “new beginning” between America and the Muslim world now a stark reality? Has Christianity disappeared from this Administration’s care and concern? Most of America has turned away from Almighty God. Is America turning into a primarily pagan/heathen nation? These are in-your-face questions that demand an answer.
Has this all contributed to the situation under-weigh in the Middle East and now especially with Israel. Where is America standing tall against these threatening enemies of Israel? Are we seeing the beginnings of the Psalm 83 conflict develop? Look at the players in the scripture below and see how they are starting to align with the ancient names given to us by the writer – Asaph.
“For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation,That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”
For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You:
The tents of Edom (Palestinians and south Jordan) the Ishmaelites; (Saudi Arabia), Moab (Palestinians and central Jordan) and the Hagrites; (Egyptians)
Gebal, (Hezbollah and northern Lebanon), Ammon, (Palestinians and northern Jordan) and
Amalek; (Arabs of Sinai region); Philistia (Hamas in the Gaza strip) with the inhabitants of
Tyre; (Hezbollah and southern Lebanon).
Assyria (Syrians and northern Iraq or now the IS or ISIS) also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah” -Psalm 83:2-8 (NKJV) (emphasis added mine)
Friends, if this is the start of the Psalm 83 conflict, then the world (yes, world) could be in for some huge troubles and big problems. A domino effect, if you will. One that prominently stands out is the price and availability of oil. If oil price skyrockets what do you think that will mean to all other countries that obtain their oil from any of these nations? in conflict Prices of goods will soar; driving your car could be cost prohibitive. Time will tell on these matters. Who or what is your faith and trust in today? I pray our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Keep alert, keep watch, keep your eyes on Israel and keep in prayer.
” And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” -Rev 6: 3-4 (KJV)