Israel Is Ready to Defend Itself, if required

Read BBC full article  >>>

"We are prepared to defend ourselves if the need arises and I think people know that what I say is both measured and serious," -Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

Israel will not be uprooted or defeated ever again – Amos 9:15. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is with them. This has been punctuated in past conflicts/wars down through their history but more pronounced since Israel became a nation in 1948. Other nations should read history and know this as factual. Israel is the nation to watch as Bible Prophecy unfolds here in these days preceding Christ's Second Coming. Many startling events will occur that will show that God is God and He is the Lord both to the Jews and Gentiles. The power of God is with this nation and its people!

God is with Israel even through most don't believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son and their Messiah. Isa 46:10, Psa 115:3


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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US Troops Sent to Jordan…

Read DebkaFile full article  >>>

Read CNN Blog full article  >>>

Read WorldBulletin full article >>>


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

More wars and rumors of war (Matt 24:6-7) with the US getting 'more' involved in the Middle East. What will be the outcome? Will it escalate into a regional conflict? Why has the civil war in Syria lasted as long as it has on the world stage? Time will tell but it is certainly worth watching.

Keep watch on the Middle East – on Israel and on Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6.


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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More Mass Animal Deaths Reported

Read TheEpochTimes-4/17/2013, full article  >>>

Read BBC-4/20/2013, full article  >>>

Read CNN-4/12/2013, full article  >>>

Read OneIndiaNews-4/11/2013, -full article  >>>



Bible Prophecy Commentary:

The world is full of deceit, false teaching, greed, lust, pride, lies, lawlessness and the list goes on. People are shunning God and jettisoning their faith abandoning the recognition of the very existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in greater numbers daily. They have all but turned their backs on Him and have instead decided to follow false religions and/or follow a false doctrine dwelling in the camp of prosperity teaching. They have compromised His commandments and statutes. They have sought after empty, meaningless and watered-down teachers and preachers that circumvent God's truth in favor of laughs and jokes promoting entertainment at church.  People don't read God's Word, they pray little and hardly seek His face. So … what does God, the Creator of the Universe, think about this and what may He do?

Read Hosea 4:1-3 and Zep 1:3 and decide if all these growing animals deaths is a result of the hand of God or due to natural occurrences.


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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