Who’ll Be America’s Next President: The Arrogant, The Deceiver or a God-Fearing Person?

"GOP candidates battle to stake their positions in first 2016 debate", Fox News – 8/7/2015

"Donald Trump Doubles Down in Combative First Republican Debate", Bloomberg Politics – 8/7/2015

"It's all about Trump at raucous Republican debate", Reuters – 8/7/2015

"Fair, Balanced And Brutal: Fox News Goes After GOPers Hard In First Debate", International Business Times – 8/7/2015

Bible Prophecy Commentary: America's Next President???

Wow, what a mean-spirited debate last night. Of the ten top-rated, many were haughty, high-minded and self-righteous. I believe there were three that openly professed the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and gave Him the glory. This was great! Then there were the mean ones and of course the arrogant ones. But who will the GOP put forward as their candidate? Too early to tell but it doesn't look good. There is way too much infighting among these men; they should be unified and strong for the person that they go up against, in the opposing party, has much power behind them. Much spiritual darkness and much evil.

On the other side of the fence is the Democratic Party. There is a tremendous amount of spiritual darkness that powers this party and their candidates will clearly not advance the Godliness of this nation. In fact, they have and are destroying it. We have one candidate that has displayed excessive arrogance, has allegedly lied on several occasions and is out of control in their self-righteousness. And yet this person is still being considered as a strong party contender. What does this tell you about the direction of this nation?

America has closed the door on receiving Almighty God's wisdom and instruction in our public and private lives. We have for all practical purposes told God to leave us alone, we can do things better and without His help. Now this is where America is heading. And now the hottest thing in the news is the abortion's industry newest abomination – the ripping and shredding of innocent babies out of the womb in order to make more money. This is clear evidence that America has turned away from God and now serves evil and wickedness. And the men and women that lead us – the Congress – can't even stop the funding of such a barbaric organization. Deplorable!! America has become a nation without God. And as such we will get the President we deserve and IMO, it will not be a nice one. In fact, if we even make it to the next election the now Godless America will vote and put in office the one their secular Godless lives decree. Just like the current POTUS – twice elected and now and our nation is declining at breakneck speed.

"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." -Judges 21:25 (KJV)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." -Psa 9:17 (KJV)

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." -Prov 29:18 (KJV)


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