Heaven's Glory

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One day we all will stand at the gates of eternity and that is without question, negotiation or escape as it is an absolute truth. We will enter either the gate leading to eternal heaven with Jesus Christ or the gate leading to eternal hell with darkness, flame and continuous torment.  I don't mean to sound negative or gloom and doomish but instead to speak the reality of this life and what we will all face one day at the doors of eternity.  We know and understand by reading God's word that Jesus was a hellfire preacher and spoke more about hell than any other person in the Bible combined. In fact, in His first sermon – the Sermon on the Mount – He spoke of the eight 'Blesseds' but also in this same sermon found in Matt 5, He talked of the danger of hellfire (vs 22). Folks, hell is real and we must understand this fateful truth. But now let's turn our attention on the reality of heaven, we'll come back to hell a little later. Remember, death is not the end of your life. Your body dies but your soul lives on.

Destination – Heaven

For some, those saved through confession, repentance and their personal profession and faith in Jesus Christ, will spend eternity (that's forever) in peace and tranquility with no more sin, sickness or disease. Heartache will be gone and there will be no more sorrow or crying. All tears will be wiped away as we live with our Creator God and His Son Jesus Christ forever. In fact, the Apostle Paul put it this way:

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." – 1 Cor 2:9 (KJV)

We will walk on the streets of Glory (Rev 21:11) paved with pure gold as if it were transparent glass (Rev 21:21). Read a description about what heaven will be like in the Book of Revelation Chapter 21. I pray today that you are saved – that you have put your absolute faith in Christ Jesus and are living a Godly and holy life. No lying, no swearing (especially by using the name of your God in vain), no cheating, no worship of idols, no arrogance, no mocking or scoffing and no pride. Heaven is a real place and we all want to strive to stay on that narrow path that will get us there – Matt 7:13-14.

Destination – Hell

Now we'll turn our attention to the place that is enlarging itself continuously (Isa 5:14). Why? Because so many are going there. Jesus was a hellfire preacher and spoke of it often – Matt 5:22, 29, 30;  7:13, 19; 8:12; 10:15; 10:28; 11:23; 13:30, 42, 49-50; 16:18; 18:8, 9, 34 and many more times in Mark, Luke and John. If Jesus spoke of it with importance and frequently, shouldn't we take warning and heed with utmost and absolute seriousness? Shouldn't we be preaching this in our houses of worship?

But where do you hear of this today? About the fiery flames of hell? And who's going there? Certainly not in our Christian churches! What church teaches it? What denomination [of men] preaches it? Many so-called Christian preachers today don't speak of hell because it is negative, ugly, convicting, and not nice and fluffy, soft or cuddly. It's not entertaining and for certain, speaking of it doesn't bring money into their coffers. And I say this loud and strong so these 'so-called' preachers can hear it! For they do not preach and teach the full council of the Lord. According to scripture these Pharisaic-type of preachers are called false teachers for they shut up the Kingdom of God in not preaching all the truth contained in the Bible – Matt 23:13. Today, however, I am preaching the truth folks. But … don't believe me, instead be a Berean (Acts 17:11) and read the Scriptures and find out for yourself if what I am teaching here is not the truth.

So you are at the end of your life perhaps lying in your bed at the brink of death. Or you seem to be a healthy man or woman ready for another workday. Or you are in a public place and are killed by a crazed maniac. At any rate, your life is required of you, now what? In retrospect you assess that you lived a good life, did many nice things, lived comfortably but bottom-line, you rejected the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. Hey, you could have been an atheist or agnostic or whatever but you never professed Him as your Savior. So now you stand at the gates of eternity. No time now for returning, no redo's, no reevaluation or assessment, no going back. The big question: where are you going? Where will your soul spend eternity and let me remind you this destination is forever?

The Lord says in His word that those that do not know Him, those that have rejected and rebelled against Him will 'die in their sins' -John 8:24. Did you get that? DIE IN YOUR SINS! Those are startling words, sobering words, tragic words, terrifying words but nevertheless, they are God's words. So if you reject Him and turn to your own ways living the high life, laughing it up, joking all the time, lewdly living a sinful unrepentant lifestyle following the world and its gods of lust, idolatry and greed, you will enter the gates of hell (Sheol in Hebrew or Hades in Greek). Your body will be transformed into a body that cannot die but be tormented in flames forever. Read about the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.

"But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." – Matt 8:12

There will be a constant [outer] darkness never before perceived (Matt 8:12; 13:42; Luke 13:28) by man, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth a place where your [personal] worm does not die (Mark 9:48). Yes friends, you will have a worm that devours your flesh but you do not perish. Seems strange but remember hell was meant for the Devil and his angels and NOT for man. And you don't want to go here!!

I could go on in the description of this nasty place of eternal darkness and torment but will not. I think you get the picture. So now where are you at? Are you saved? Eph 2:8. Saved from what, you may ask. 'Saved' in scripture is the Greek word sozo (Strong's G4982) which means to rescue. But rescue from what? Hell, my friends, hell! Jesus Christ came to rescue us from the torment of an eternal hell and to provide a way to the Father, Creator, Yahweh Almighty God. To deliver us through our confession and repentance in Him as our Savior and Redeemer.To live with Him forever in His home – heaven.

Some will call me radical, negative or excessive for presenting this message today but the in-your-face truth of the matter is everything I've described today is from the word of God. And it is absolute truth and yes it is scary and should frighten us all into digging into God's word and seeking Him in prayer and confession and repentance of our sins. But there is hope for those that don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Please, please, please if you haven't received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, do so today. Click the Salvation item on the menu line above to find out how to be saved. The time before His return is late! It draws ever so near especially with the world speeding toward end prophetic events.


Coram Deo

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher


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