The Lord Knows Those That Are His. But Does He Know You?

Have You [Seriously] Confessed the Name of the Lord?

“Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” -2 Tim 2:19 (NASB)

There are some that say just believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is enough to get you saved and into heaven. I say not quite. You see even the demons believe but they are not saved – James 2:19. Salvation is not about works but about your faith in Christ received through His grace and His grace only – Eph 2:89. Additionally, Rom 10:9 says – “if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;” and also to repent of your sin which means to make changes in your attitude and life – Acts 3:19. – serving the Lord and not the world.

So with these things said, can you say before the Living God that you really know Him? Do you think He knows you? Friends, these are stunning questions that drive a stake in the ground of just where you(we) are at with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We must ensure we read all Scripture to know the truth. Do not cherry-pick Scripture to suit your needs!

Confessing His name means that you name Him as your Savior and King (which BTW, many say they do in our Christian churches today) then … look what it says – for those the Lord knows – they MUST turn away from wickedness (other versions describe it as unrighteousness). Did you get that? Turn away from anything that the Lord says in His word that is not pleasing to Him. For anything that goes against His written word is sin; yes, even your (my) lack of faith – Rom 14:23.

So you like TV, well, what do you watch? What things on TV attract your attention; that you grant authorized access in through your eyes and then into your soul? Think about this… If you watch things that are anti-Biblical, vile, corrupt, evil, filthy, or even R or X-rated stuff, if you watch these things more than once, face it, you most likely enjoy them and will continue to watch them.

And … your senses – thinking, words, actions – will start to take the shape of the things you let into your heart, mind and being – the “gates” of your soul.

This is not called righteous [living] watching. You are enjoying and focusing on worldly things and not on the things the Lord says to focus on. Yes, this is a startling picture of just what His word is saying. Now move that into what you read, etc. And how about your speech: still filled with pompous, dirty, swear words – i.e. you do not bridle your tongue. Read what God says about this and your religion in James 1:26.

Do you trust in the Lord? Do you confess Him as your Savior? If so, what occupies your time, your thoughts, your motivations?

Based on just what I’ve presented so far, do you think the Lord knows you – John 10:14? Are you one of His flock? Do you take refuge in Him? Is He your Rock upon which you will not be moved?

The flip side of this is – do you call yourself a Christian, do the church thing, sing the songs and talk the talk but when it comes down to it, your mind and direction is in and of the world. This is not faith! Folks, it’s time to rethink and chart your course back to the Lord. 

Try this verse as a wake-up call to your soul…

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.;” -1 John 2:15 (KJV)

This is a strong verse that points you toward the Lord or away from Him. Read it several times, look in the mirror and decide what side of the fence you are on. And there are only two sides – with Him or against Him. (Bet you never hear these things in the church you attend … wonder why?).

One final thought – how often you you pull out your Bible and read it? Daily, weekly, once a month, rarely? Answer truthfully and then consider if it’s not daily then there’s a problem. This of course applies to those who have ready access to Bibles like here in America. What excuses do you come up with as to why you don’t read God’s word? Too busy, too tired, not enough time, can’t understand it, there’s no priest to interpret it for me. These are all lame answers and hold zero water. If you maintain one or more of these excuses are you in fact finding the word of God contemptible? Come on … answer truthfully. Listen to what the Lord says about people like this. 

“To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.” -Jer 6:10 (NASB)

Are your ears closed to God’s word in your personal life (outside of church) so you cannot hear? Do you find no pleasure in reading His words written to us over the centuries? Words to help us daily – to trust in Him, to find strength in Him, to love Him, to know Him, to help bolster our faith in Him. Yes, these are very passionate words to a generation of Christians that have lost their first love, rationalized their ways to please themselves and in reality do not know the Lord and by the worldly love, actions and choices they make. So, does He – the Lord God Almighty – know you? Consider His words seriously, today. Where are you at?

Bottom-line: If you have “dismissed” the Lord in your life by lack of faith, trust, reading your Bible, clinging to the world, then it’s time to turn around, make a “uey” (u-turn) and seek Him now this very day. Ask forgiveness for your sins, confess Him as your only Lord and Savior, then repent of your worldly lifestyle – thoughts, actions and words and turn back to Him. Do this today! Amen.

Remember, there is only one way to enter heaven and that is through belief in the Lord as your Savior, professing Him as your Lord, that God raised Him from the dead. Then repent of your sin.

Keep in the forefront of your mind these Biblical facts:  you will not enter heaven just because you lived a “good” life, focusing on knowledge, experiences and good intentions. Or practiced salvation by works as some religions teach and do. This is not scriptural and your final destination will be one separated from God … forever!


-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


Keep your lamps filled and ready for His arrival!!


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Do You Fear the Lord, Tremble at His Presence, and Depart From Evil

Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence;” -Jer 5:22 (KJV)

Do you fear God? The Hebrew for the word fear is yir’ah and the meaning is respect, reverence and terror.  In Acts 9:31, the Greek word for fear is phobos meaning fear, dread, or respect for one’s husband. From these verses and many others in the OT and NT the fear of God meant great reverence and respect, but also carried a very significant degree of dread and terror that strikes great fear in our hearts – Heb 10:31. For a moment examine yourself to see what things fill you with great fear, reverence and respect. Is it people, money, your home, car, spouse, boss, etc? Does Almighty God have a place on your list and if so, is He at the very top, middle or bottom? This is a very important question that we all must answer and your answer will dictate where you are in your faith in Almighty God.

“Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” – Prov 3:7 (KJV)

Do you as a Christian depart from evil? What does that mean, you may ask? It is not just a  wordsmith exercise. Nor is it a meaningless array of “religious” thought. This is a command from Almighty God to those that choose to follow Him. It means turning away from vain and profane talk and conversation, it means turning away from vile and filthy TV shows and movies, it means staying away from the R-rated moves, it means turning away from reading worthless and lifeless books that will not draw you closer into the Lord’s presence, etc. What do you do when someone at work or elsewhere tells an dirty joke or makes obscene gestures or comments?  Do you just go along with them and/or the crowd or do you express disdain at what they are saying? Look at what Jesus said in Matt 10:28…

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” -Matt 10:28 (KJV)

Do you think He was just kidding?

Today, I am convinced that we see or hear little of the fear of the Lord in our society, in our families, in our churches or even in our conversations. Combined with this is the lack of the knowledge of God (Hos 4:1), which I am persuaded we see much of these days, with a decrease of even professing Christians that do not know their God and His word. If there should be any place on earth that should carry the importance and fear of the Lord it should be in our churches.

But do they … NO!

They are far from knowing, teaching or instructing what the fear of the Lord is!

Years ago, when I grew up, Sunday was a time of attending church, worshiping God, fellow-shipping in our family and the stores/businesses were closed. It was a reverent and sacred time – a time of relaxing and a time to focus on the Lord. I can remember my father reading us Bible stories as a regular part of our family life.

These days, we need to turn the cell phones off, the computers off, silence the video games, turn off the TVs and radios and spend some “alone” time with God – individually and as a family. Do you do these things? Do you really seek Him or do you just pretend …  and seeking God is far from your mind?

Nowadays, Sunday is just another day of the week filled people working more and thinking of God less and less. Many churches focus on fast-paced, powerless, rocking-out music (bringing you not even close to God) diluted Gospel sermonettes laced with an unspoken agenda to get people out in time so they can watch sports, go shopping, eat out, or just have fun. Most churches have become social clubs with little teaching on the Doctrine of God. In fact, even from the pulpit, God is far from their thoughts. What have we become in the eyes of God? Where is the reverence for the Lord, the fear, the desire to worship, praise, talk about Him instead of the regular nit-noid worldly meaningless chatter?

We come before Almighty God for a [whole] whopping hour or so each week to try and keep our eyes propped open and ears keen to hear even the faintest whisper of His Holy Spirit. While in reality our minds haven’t yet ceased from the whirlwind lifestyle we’ve been living throughout the week. So we dose and yawn, eyes drooping, with our hearts and minds fighting to maintain some degree of attention on the services we attend. How pathetic! Wake up people! This is Almighty God we are talking about – the Creator of everything you see and of you and me!

Jesus Christ is not our homey. He is not our “buddy”. He is not even a beloved family member. He is God! And as such He deserves great honor, respect, reverence and Glory through our praise and fear of Him with holy living everyday. Yes, it’s a reverent fear but also the fear of His wrath – a trembling before Him. Please try and keep these things at the forefront of your mind in whatever you say and do – daily.

Everyday we should get on our knees in fear, respect, and yes trembling before the Lord. Read His word people, get to know the God who created you and is coming again!

“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way,” -Prov 8:13 (KJV)

Do you hate and shun evil? Did you know that God requires this of all of us, a life 100% dedicated, committed and fully surrendered to Him (Rom 12:1)? This means in thought, word and deed. And in our everyday affairs. In how we think and in the words we choose to speak. If you are a person given over to swearing and unclean talk then your religion is worthless – James 1:26 (I know several of these kind of people, one even a self-proclaimed “pastor”). Many people watch some pretty nasty stuff on the TV and they read books and magazines that can set their minds against the teachings and commandments of God. But who takes these thing to heart?

Allowing the filth of evil in whatever media form it takes friends is in opposition to will of the God for your life (1 Th 4:1-8; Eph 5:17). When you fill your minds with worldly stuff – cares, concerns, worries, guilt – or flirt with the things not of God?  For as you continue to compromise on the things of God, you can take on the nature of those things and open your spirit and soul to evil, wickedness and lawlessness [yes, even demonic] spirits -1 Cor 6:19-20; Rom 8:5, 13:14; Col 3:2, 3:5; Eph 6:12.

If you allow evil into your life/home/family watch out for a serious decline or change in your life and home. It will happen in the spirit first and then start to manifest in changing what you believe and compromise with the things of this world. Peace may start to elude you both in the spiritual and physical realms. Set your mind on the things above, not on the stuff of this world – Col 3:2.

“Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” -Psa 2:11 (KJV)

Where are you at with the lord right now … saved or not? Do you fear Him? Do you tremble at His word? Do you shun evil? Or do you drag His precious and Holy name through the toxic poison of your speech and the worldly manner in which you live? Remember, there is absolutely no middle of the road or lukewarmness with Almighty God. You must seek the Lord Jesus Christ for only in Him is found eternal life and the saving power to forgive your sins. If you have backslid into a sinful lifestyle or you are not living for Him at all, see the Salvation page at the top of this post to get your life turned around and to seek the free gift of forgiveness of your sins and reap eternal life with Him forever.

Fear God!

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” -Heb 10:31 (KJV)


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Jesus Said — “Many are Called but Few Are Chosen”

Will You Be One of the Many or the Few?

“And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.” -Matt 22:13-14 (KJV)

When you read the parable of the marriage of the king’s son in Matt 22:1-14, you can’t help but wonder how did the person get into the wedding feast without the proper wedding clothes? Why did his servants let him in? In ancient times when invited to an important wedding the king would provide the proper dress attire which consisted of a particular or special wedding garment. In this parable the man discovered did not have on the proper garment but did you notice that only the king could see it, the servants were not aware that an “intruder” had snuck in.

What a parallel for us today; for all churchgoers in modern times. Many say they are Christians for in saying this their justification consists mainly in their regular church attendance. You know the kind that never misses a Sunday (or Mass), and always seems to be there. To be seen by others as well. Yes sir, many are big on this and friends that is the extent of their religion and relationship with God’s only begotten Son – Jesus Christ. 

The man without the proper wedding clothes in the parable decided not to take the proper dress even though it was offered and free.

His presence there was purely rebellious against the awesome authority and power of the inviting king. This man when discovered and confronted was speechless for his improper dress which revealed his sin and therefore judgment was to follow. Folks, this man when discovered by the king, was exposed by his unbelief, rebelliousness and sin and he knew it and that’s why he had nothing to say.

Friends, this parable is a flag waving at those who profess to be Christians but don’t live it. And there are many that fit this mold. They’re big on church going, singing some songs, listening to the words of the sermon but actually their lives are filled with unrepentant sin. Their righteousness in the Lord’s eyes is tarnished for they lack sincerity in confession of their sin, reality in repentance, lack of humility and do not obey the word of the Lord. Now this threads its way deep into our lives – from outward sins to inward – those no one sees but are there nonetheless. From improper motives, to lust, to hate, pride, arrogance, with no sincere desire to have a personal relationship with the Lord. They live according to what they like, to what they want. They are self-righteous wearing the clothes of their hypocrisy.

Listen… many are good people and seem to say the right things and do many nice things but … without the right relationship with the Lord, they have nothing. Nice houses and gobs of money mean nothing in the Lord’s eyes. When you die, it’s gone and the only thing remaining is your standing with God. What’s yours today?


This is huge with Christians today – they have no depth in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Little dedicated and sincere prayer time. No confession of their sin; no Godly sorrow for same. Some religions don’t preach salvation by the grace of God to their people (now this is a tragedy).

God takes a back seat in their lives but oh yes, they spend that hour in the pew every Sunday. In reality, they have no desire to follow and be obedient to Almighty God, instead they do things their way according to their agenda, not God’s. Their righteousness is like filthy rags (Isa 64:6) which translates into improper wedding garments. We may look good on the outside but inside we are naked and shameful based on our unconfessed and unrepentant sin. Many are like this today and will not enter into His rest. Many ‘Christians’ will not know real salvation not because they can’t but because they won’t!!

“But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” -Rom 13:14 (KJV)

In the Bible, beautiful clothing represents our spiritual relationship with the Lord and this is totally dependent on what we say, think and do. It is also based on our submission to the Lord’s will; knowing and doing what His word says. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 13:14, that we are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ as a garment indicating that we are clothed in His righteousness and justified through our faith in Him. The huge lingering question for all of us is, do we have the correct garments on, are we ready for the wedding feast of the Lamb? And have we arrayed ourselves in the wedding garment of holiness? Will we be counted as the “chosen” that will stay at the wedding feast or be cast out in terrible judgment? Some very sobering words to ponder on today. Please, if you are not sure that you have on the right clothes, seek the Lord now, if you call upon Him in sincerity He will hear and answer your call. 

The bottom-line: are you clothed in His righteousness today through a walking-talking faith and trust in His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary? Or are you in rebellion of His authority and majesty, doing your own thing, surrendering and submitting to no one but thriving in your own wisdom and understanding? Remember the Lord’s message to the Laodicean church in Rev 3:17-18, He urges us to obtain clothes from Him to cover the shameful nakedness of our sin. Get them on today!

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” -Rev 3:15-18 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman



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