

An Intro

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth – Gen 1:1. Heaven is mentioned over 690 times (270+ in the NT) in the Bible, so often in fact that it is worth talking about in all Christian circles. We know that God’s throne exists in heaven – Psa 11:4 -and that those who receive the free gift of salvation will be with God when they pass from this life into eternity. But …

Heaven – what is it?

Jesus calls heaven His Father’s house and in it are many rooms – John 14:1-3. These rooms are being prepared for those who will make their eternal home there. In the Book of Revelation, John describes heaven with much detail – costly precious stones, transparent gold streets, twelve gates and foundations, gates of pearl, the river of the water of life, no need of a sun was there as the glory of God did light it -Rev 21, 22.

Heaven – where is it?

You can’t use Google Maps to locate heaven as it is not found here on earth. Paul called it the ‘third’ heaven or ‘paradise’ and heard unspeakable words there, ones he could not recount here on earth – 1 Cor 12:1-4. Therefore, there are three heavens: 2 are in this physical world and the third is in the spiritual realm.

In reference to the third heaven the first heaven is located in the atmosphere – the sky – Gen 6:7, James 5:18. The second or celestial (starry) heaven is found where the sun, moon and stars exist – Gen 1:14-18, Deut 4:19. And the third heaven or God’s throne is located in a place we cannot see or even explore since it is called in Deut 10:14, the ‘heaven of heavens’ or the third heaven according to Paul.

Heaven – who is in heaven?

God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are there – Acts 1:11 Angels are there along with the four living creatures – Eze 1, 10. The Old Testament people who lived righteous lives are there as Jesus led the captives free – Eph 4:8, 1 Pet 3:19.

Saved men and women who have died since Christ’s death, burial and resurrection are now present with the Lord – 2 Cor 5:8

Heaven – what do you have to do to get there?

Call upon the name of the Lord, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe with your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. Then live your life in faith and trust in Christ – holy and acceptable to Him, daily confessing your sin and taking action against it by repenting. God sees and hears all and will know the sincerity of your heart – you cannot fool God.

I urge all who read this to make sure you have made your reservation in heaven by calling on the name of the Most High – our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For without accepting His free gift of salvation you will not be able to enter, instead you will be condemned  – John 3:18.



“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?”

2 Peter 3:11-12


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