Natural Disasters Rising: More Quakes and Severe Flooding

Read RT-4/20/2013,  China quake update (more dead, more injured) full article  >>>

Read CNN-4/22/2013, Mexico quake full article  >>>

Read ASIAONE-4/21/2013, Japan quake full article  >>>

Read DailyMail-4/21/2013, US Midwest Record Flooding full article  >>>


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

More quakes and the severity of destruction they are causing – Matt 24:7. More shaking of the earth – Hag 2:6-7, Heb 12:25-29. More severe flooding – Eze 13:13, Luke 21:25.

Keep watch and be aware of what is happening to the earth and on the earth. Are we approaching the last days before Christ returns? Yes!


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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Quakes Abound: China-132 Dead-2200+ Injured, Japan, Oklahoma

Read 7.0 China quake full article  >>>

Read 7.0 Japan quake full article  >>>

Read 4.3+ Oklahoma quakes full article  >>>

USGS earthquake map last 7 days, 2.5+


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

More and more intense and deadly quakes are abounding across the globe and in diverse places – Matt 24:7. These are signs that Jesus foretold to His disciples when they asked Him what were to be the signs of the end of the age – Matt 24:3. There are many more signs that Jesus gave and also by Paul recorded in his epistles. Folks, it's time to wake up and keep watch. Those who are asleep are not watching and will be caught offguard at His Coming – Luke 12:35-40


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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Is an Age of Fear Coming to America?

Read IsraelHayom-4/19/2013, full article  >>>


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

Doubt, fear, unrest, lack of peace, crime and all the other nasty things that accompanies these – are they now plaguing the greatest nation in the history of the world? Will these things and the accompanying fear factor cause this nation to crumble under the pressure? It would seem that the Red horse of Rev 6 is increasing the intensity of its 'ride' or judgment/s. What's with all these events recently challenging the peace of our land. Are the things listed an indication that judgment is upon America? Keep watch and seek God … daily.

  • Sec of State Kerry's push for Israeli-Palestinian talks,
  • The North Korean nuclear threats,
  • The rapid decline in gold's value,
  • Extreme weather events and patterns,
  • The Boston Marathon bombings,
  • The heightened security in Washington, DC,
  • Ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama and Senator Roger Wicker,
  • The controversial and angered gun debate and defeat by the Senate,
  • Iran threatening world peace picking up its pace of multiple centrifuges installations,
  • Finally a massive – deadly – explosion at a fertilizer plant in Western Texas.



"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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