Feasts of the Lord, Days of Awe, Repentance Then The Sealing of Judgment

The Seven Days of Awe

“23- And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 24- “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. 25- You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the LORD.” -Leviticus 23:23–25 (ESV)

TheSeven Feasts of the Lord described in Lev 23 are God’s appointed times with mankind. The Jews practiced them in the OT and some still do today. In fact, even some Christians practice them today. And that is OK as long as they know that they are just dress rehearsals of what’s going to occur in Heaven at some later time. God has defined significant dates or appointed times that are extremely important to Him in relaying to mankind what has been designed in His plan for men. The seven Feasts of the Lord represent key times that all Christians should look towards for key events to play out in the last days.

“16- Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17- These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.” -Col 2:16-17 (ESV)

Concerning the last days, Jesus said in Luke 21, that they would be like the days of Noah and Lot. Regular days, but very corrupt and evil days, but much else happening – kind of like today. No huge catastrophic events taking place, just the days of our time playing out in the world of humanity.  Noah heard from God and did what He said. He was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet 2:5) and preached to the people of his time to get right with God or else. Read Gen 6 and 7 to find out about Noah and what God told him to do. Notice very closely Gen 7:4.

The Lord told Noah that in seven more days He would send rain upon the earth. Let’s zero in on that 7-day window. The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanna, the start of the Jewish year), the first of the fall feasts, started all the fall feasts. It was a 2-day event. The next days (day 3 through day 9) were the Days of Awe (Days of Repentance) or a time of deep introspect and repentance. Day 10 started the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur – the holiest day of the Jewish year) followed by the final feast of the year – the Feast of Tabernacles.

Now let’s focus on days 3 through 9. We are on day 3 right now today – Sept 20, 2020. So then in seven days, the time of the sealing of judgment was to arrive.

Notice the similarity of the seven days … Before the Lord God bought the Great Flood, He allowed seven more days of [Noah] teaching the people, of that time, what they needed to do to avoid the fate of what was to arrive – the Great Flood.

They needed to make a change in the direction of their lives and repent of their sins. Obviously, none of an estimated 20 million people on earth at that time (or perhaps even more) repented. Only Noah’s family and son in laws survived.

So we could look at the significance of those seven critical days of introspect as the more recent Days of Awe in between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. Surely, if nothing else they are symbolic of what we need to consider right now today.

During these Days of Awe the people were to seek sincere personal repentance – a change of attitude and direction back to God in one’s life. In one sense and referring to ancient Israel, the Day of Atonement paved the way for God to forgive the Israelites of any sins committed in the previous year.

What will happen once the Day of Atonement comes, I don’t know. It could be possible that the time (in some year as I make NO predictions of this year or any other year, date or time) of Jacob’s Trouble will start – the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation. Or a time of trouble on the earth or maybe nothing. But one thing stands out … and that is that we must remember these Feasts and their significance on and in our lives right now in 2020 and beyond. For Christians, for Jews, for all. The Lord’s word is sure and steadfast. He puts nothing in it that’s not serious and as such, demands our attention and deserves our utmost respect.

Where are you in the consideration of these things? Are you saved today? If not, I urge you without delay and with immediate haste to seek His face in prayer, call upon His name, confess and repent of your sins and proclaim Him risen from the dead and now Lord of your life – Rom 10:9-13.


“26- And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 27- “Now on the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be for you a time of holy convocation, and you shall afflict yourselves and present a food offering to the LORD. 28- And you shall not do any work on that very day, for it is a Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the LORD your God. 29- For whoever is not afflicted on that very day shall be cut off from his people. 30- And whoever does any work on that very day, that person I will destroy from among his people. 31- You shall not do any work. It is a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwelling places. 32- It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict yourselves. On the ninth day of the month beginning at evening, from evening to evening shall you keep your Sabbath.”” -Leviticus 23:26–32 (ESV)


-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman




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