The Power of Your Faith: Stand Tall in the Lord and in the Strength and Power of His Might

“Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also the heavens.” -Heb 12:26b (KJV)

As the heavens and the earth are shaken by the power of the Living God in these last days before His return, where are you at in your faith? Are you strong in the Lord? Or are you a worry-wart, scared of just about everything? Will you run at the first shot of the battle or stay and fight on to the finish fitted with the full armor of God?

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” -Prov 18:10 (KJV)

There are many people who call themselves Christians, go to church regularly, read their Bible once in a while but are not strong in the Lord. They look good and do mostly the right things but are weak in their faith and in their trust in Almighty God. Why is this? Well, I think it’s because our Christian leaders are not teaching about how to be strong in the Lord. Especially with the Devil roaming around seeking those he can devour – 1 Pet 5:8. Spiritual warfare is ramping up so are you ready to fight in the power of the Lord?

Folks, our Lord is just not for Sundays or Bible studies or small groups. He’s for every day and for every minute and hour of our lives. We must consider the verse above and put it into practice. The name of our Lord is a strong tower and people can rest in His name for their strength and to help carry them through any and all situations. But who believes this today? Some Christians have become soft and lazy in their faith and trust. This cannot be.

We must be strong in the Lord and practice it! We can’t think that we alone carry the load of our life. We must rely on the Lord and draw our strength from Him.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” -Eph 6:10 (ESV) (KJV)

When you read the verse above what does this tell you? What do you glean from these words?

I was talking to a Christian the other day about Bible prophecy – the things happening now and what is coming and they were visibly uncomfortable and disturbed. Friends, our actions, words and deeds describe our faith and many today need to readjust their focus to rest in the Lord, rely upon Him for their strength. Not in the world. Not in their church. Not in their pastor/s. Not their spouse. Not in their friends or family. Not in any security they find outside of the Living God!

This now more than ever needs to be realized and practiced by people who name the name of the Lord by calling themselves Christians.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight:” -2 Cor 5:7 (KJV)

People need to lean upon Yeshua – Jesus, and nothing else – Prov 3:5-6.

The days are getting darker and we all must face this. If you find it hard to do this then please reassess where you are at in the Lord. What is your Christian faith built upon or in? In Jesus or something else? Upon shifting sand or Rock? -Matt 7:24-27. We must face the fact that the days ahead will be very [extremely] difficult and so we must walk with God each and every day. Not in just our words, but in our actions, words, deeds and beliefs. This is an absolute must and cannot be rationalized away or swept under our Christian or “religious” veneer exterior.

And so where are you at right now? Scared to death of what’s happening around the world? Scared of what’s coming and therefore don’t face what is clearly written in the Bible concerning the last days? If this describes you then may I suggest that you start seeking God … just you and Him. No church, no pastor, no friends. Just get alone with the Lord and pray in faith. Believe in faith. Trust in faith. Walk in faith. Practice this daily!

The days ahead won’t be fun or pretty but you can get through them with the power of the God of the Universe by your side – in your heart, mind, body and soul. In this you must believe and put action to your faith. But do not fear or worry! For if you trust and walk in faith in Yeshua, then He will be your strength – Psa 28:7.

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Tim 1:7 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

Is Jesus Christ Really the Lord of Your Life?


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