Tactical Awareness – Physical and Spiritual Realms – You Had Better Be Aware of What’s Around You At All Times

Stay Alert and Sensitive to Your Surroundings and Avoid Large Gatherings

Absolutely crazed people are infecting the world these days. From demonically-driven Islamic radicals to men hearing voices in their heads to kill people, we must stay on constant watch as to where we are at any given moment.

Being tactically aware is knowing where you are at and any dangers that are visibly or audibly present around you. What kind of people are present is of paramount importance. Who's coming and going. Being alert and attentive for unusual sounds, noises or lights. In any place you enter you must quickly survey the entrances and exits and develop an exit plan if the need would arise. Try never to seat yourself with your back to the entrance (if at all possible). You must always have a plan to avoid and exit danger if it starts.

Let's explore Tactical Awareness as it applies to the physical and spiritual worlds around you.

In the Physical

The violence in the world today is off the charts! Men are killing men using thee reasoning of a religion filled with the doctrine of devils. Powerful forces are at work all over the world especially in the countries that have forgotten Almighty God.

As we have seen the violence is ramping up all over the world with senseless killings and wars. Therefore, we must keep a constant vigil over our surroundings at all times. There are many dangers lurking to try and destroy is. We must be alert and attentive like never before because evil men and women are seeking to hurt, maime and kill for no other reason than their demonic religion, lawlessness or just plain hate. And these three are increasing tenfold in today's society. Wherever you go these days – restaurants, stores, malls, churches, movies, entertainment events – you must be on guard and know how to escape fast if the unforeseen happens. This isn't just for textbooks or casual thought anymore this is absolutely imperative and now it's real world critical! For those states that allow and for those that can and have been trained and certified, by all means carry a weapon everywhere you go (shame on the gun-free zones that welcome the criminal more than the law-abiding innocent).

The violence in the physical world is directly related to what's happening by nation, city, town, person in the spiritual.

In the Spiritual

Now we get to the teeth of the matter. We are at war friends!

This section describes the warfare of the Christian but the unsaved can and do fall under the attacks of the enemy of all humanity – Satan and his demonic hoards. There are tremendous spiritual battles for your soul occurring each and every day all around you. You don't see or hear them but be assured they are happening. Ambushes and attacks are on every side trying to derail you from serving your Lord – Jesus Christ. If you are serving the Lord and following after Him in your life then you better believe that he (the Devil) is after you big time. As a Christian you cannot be ignorant of his schemes or devices for this is what this war for your soul is about. Today, with Bibles, churches, Christian media everywhere, you have absolutely no excuses to be ignorant. You see our Enemy is tricky and scheming always trying to fire his fiery darts at you through fear, worry, doubt, distraction and despair. He's had thousands of years to perfect his wicked devices. All the more reason we must be have our shields of faith up and our sword in a defensive posture – Eph 6:13-18.

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." -2 Cor 2:11 (KJV)

You must put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:13-18) to be able to fight on a tactical warfront. You must be constantly tactically vigil of the methods, tactics and weapons he uses to try and get you offguard. The things he uses are tried and true and only those that are firmly rooted and grounded in Christ can see them and take the appropriate action. Being aware of this will make you strong in the Lord and able to help others that are weaker and of immature faith. But you must be aware. Demonic fiery darts can be small but impacting, cunning and sly. Here's a few that can catch you unawares in your faith. Watching TV that portrays this dysfunctional world as normal. Reading worthless books that do not bring you closer in faith to the Lord. Spending money on things that do not help you draw closer to Him. Distracted in lust towards another. Disinterested in praying and/or reading your Bible. Note: you cannot get closer to the Lord in your life through reading and watching trash. Read His word! Another – what places to you go? What about entertainment? Are they good, worldly – are they edifying you in your vertical faith towards learning and knowing God? If not, discard them like a bad dream. Flee from them fast!

If you are not aware of Satan's methods of taking you out then he'll very subtly take you out!. This is plain and simple! He doesn't play fair or with any rulebook. He has no Geneva Convention agreement. He will do anything to push you off course with the Lord. Therefore you must be tactically aware through the reading of His word and of the spiritual attacks and ambushes that are certainly happening to you. They are covert and nasty. They are subtle and yet sometimes come on you in Blitzkrieg fashion. You must be alert and sensitive to your spiritual surroundings through knowing the devices of the Devil:  doubt, lies, greed, pride, wealth, arrogance, deceit, distortion of truth, unforgiveness, hate, temptations, envy, strife, sexual immorality. And you can only know these things through the reading and studying of God's word. If you are not prepared for the spiritual wars occurring now and ramping up in the days to come you will fall away. You will take the Mark of the Beast. Folks, this is serious and of utmost importance. Your soul is at stake here and that means your eternal destination.

"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." -2 Tim 2:4 (KJV)

So where are you at today? Are you tactically aware of your physical and spiritual surroundings? If not, it's time to stop and reassess your life. Get more aware. Get right with God, know the Lord Jesus Christ. The time is getting late and His outstretched hand is still available. Salvation is for today. Our only hope is in Christ. Amen!


-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman



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