Martha, Martha You Are Anxious and Troubled About Many Things

Mary Chose the Good Portion

"The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot." -Psalm 16:5 (NASB)  

Jesus came into a town and Martha welcomed Him into her house. She had a sister called Mary who sat down at His feet and listened intently to Jesus teaching. Martha, on the other hand was busy about preparations to serve and was a little put out that Mary wasn't helping. She asked Jesus if He cared that she was left to do all the work and Mary just sat an listened to Him when she could have been assisting her. Jesus replied that Martha was anxious and troubled about many things but missed the one thing she should have focused and been concerned about and that was Him. Mary chose something much better than the business of readying a meal and setting the table and making sure everything was just right. You know anyone like this?

"But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. 41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." -Luke 10:40-42 (KJV)

What an account for us to learn by today. We, even us Christians, are seemingly plagued by worldly concerns and distracted by many things all of which steer us away from Jesus and His Gospel. From getting the right clothes on for Sunday morning to ensuring we set our tables properly for parties, dinners, family get-togethers, et al. And all these things have a tendency to lead us further away from just waiting on the Lord. How many of us actually wait on Him? No, be serious now. For His teaching in the reading of His word, in prayer on our knees, in seeking the face of God? It's time for all of us to look in the mirror and examine just where we are at with the Lord. There are no "oops, I blew it" excuses once you enter eternities door. Now is the time to get it right.

Are we a Martha – anxious about many things, troubled about this or that? Do we focus on worldly matters when we should be listening at His feet for His living words (John 6:63)? How much of soul is dedicated to serving the Lord? Please take this seriously for it matters greatly.

Jesus words to Martha were not some passing thoughts, they were directed right at her spiritual condition. Shots directed right at her spiritual priorities bow.

Do we as Christians let the mundane and routine things go in favor of dwelling at the feet of the one who gives us eternal life? Or are we so wrapped up in the things of this world that He takes a back seat in our lives to our shopping, preparing, TV watching, family needs, dinners, etc?

Now don't get me wrong, there are things that we must attend to concerning family, work, etc. The things I'm talking about here are the routine things that can wait when you should be seeking God in prayer, for direction, in seeking wisdom for certain matters, in praying for others, etc.

What matters most in your life? Family, friends, or the Lord?

Are you a Mary who knew there was work but desired the good portion – the greatest possession – a close fellowship with the Lord. This is a foundational question for our spiritual life in the Lord for without a close fellowship, do we even know Him? I suggest not. We must above all other things seek out His fellowship and desire this above all things. This is what Mary showed, this is what Mary did. Do we?

Consider that He is our portion. He is to be our life, our everything. Seek Him first and all these other things will be added – Matt 6:33. Yeshua (Jesus) must be number one in our lives above even our family in dedication and love. We must without fail to seek His face daily in prayer and meditation on His word. We must sit at His feet and receive His teaching through reading His word -Josh 1:8. Friends, do you do these things? If not, it's time to reconsider your walk with the Lord. Do you identify with a Martha or Mary?

"My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." -Psalm 73:26 (NASB)  

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman




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