Judgment is Coming to the US! Read Your Bible – Be Prepared. Get Right With Almighty God

Editor's Note:  God's judgment on this sinful, wicked and unrepentant world is coming – make no mistake of that. And the US will not be exempt! If you are one of the people that thinks a new president and Godly leaders that surround him will save this nation, you are sadly mistaken. I appreciate we have some supposedly Godly people as national leaders but the "man" has not led with God at the helm. Lot's of "I will do…" but no "God is in charge and will lead us" from his lips. Don't put your trust in a man or men or women. Put it solidly with unwavering resolve in the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone can save you if you call upon His name.

Time is short, get right with God people for His wrath, fury and anger will not be held back much longer. How can I say this? By knowing Him by reading His word – Old and New Testaments – Gen 6:3. This is how He speaks to us today.

The following article was originally published by Michael Snyder at End of the American Dream. His articles are spot on and his relentless research gives us a glimpse of what clearly may happen in the days ahead. I challenge you to read his article below carefully and then consider exactly what he is saying. Then turn to your Bible and consider how Bible Prophecy is a warning to the clear and present danger America and the rest of the world is facing right now. The days ahead will present many problems and heartaches for the people of earth; if you have not prepared in your heart, mind and soul in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then in your troubles you may not find any comfort. (Used by permission)

What This Woman Was Shown About The Future Of The United States Will Shake You To Your Core

By Michael Snyder, on Feb 27th, 2017

Judgment is coming to America very soon. Recently, Julie Whedbee was shown what life will be like for believers in the United States during the Tribulation. She has been having dreams and visions for over 20 years, and she is someone that I have come to hold in high regard. What was revealed to her about the future of the United States is quite chilling to say the least. She was shown a time when Christians have to live in hiding in a post-apocalyptic America where millions of people have already been killed. The following is a short excerpt from what she wrote about this experience

We were living underground in hiding, in a large but dark abandoned building of some sort. There was no electricity, and had not been for some time. I saw oil lamps and candles everywhere and it was the only light we had. We were all dressed in oversized clothing and head wraps, doing our best to stay as inconspicuous as possible.

There were times we had to go out for items such as salt, and oil, and would barter with things we had found and collected for this reason. Food was scarce to say the least. Water was also something we were having to look for constantly, and most important for survival.

As we traveled, we would do so only in the early pre-dawn hours, or at sunset, to do our best to avoid being targeted and taken away to be killed. I was told by Father this was the United States, after many of the judgments had happened, and He made me to understand that millions had died.

During this period of time there will be no United States government as we know it today, and Christians will be hunted down and killed like animals. In fact, she says that there will be “open crucifixions in the streets”

The streets were very empty, there were only a few small businesses opened, and everything was run by the NWO. Martial law kept everyone in check, and as we traveled, we were watched and controlled by gunpoint. There were certain paths that had to be taken and if we were found traveling any other way, we were shot instantly. We never spoke while outside of our building.

There were open crucifixions in the streets, a gruesome and horrible sight, of anyone who publicly confessed Christianity. The bodies, once dead, were then left where they hung. Christianity was long gone in this country. Our group did the best we could to go at night and take the bodies of these precious souls back to where we were hiding, although we had no way to properly bury them. I saw rows of them on a far wall of our hiding place, wrapped in sheets and blankets as this was all we had. I remember discussing with the others what we were going to do with these martyrs.

If you would like to read the entire thing, you can find the original right here.

Of course Julie Whedbee is certainly not the only one that has been shown the future of America. Hundreds of others have also been warned that judgment is rapidly approaching. For example, the following is what Glynda Lomax was recently shown

“Much strife and confusion is coming to the earth. There will be eruptions of violence, murder, strife and infighting in various places.

Much tension shall abound, and brother shall strike out at brother. The line is being drawn tight.

(NOTE: In the spirit here, I saw a line, like a tightrope wire, being tightened and tightened, until it looked like it would just snap from the tension.)

When I speak to the angels, what is holding back the war will be released, and battles will break out in many places. War will break out. Fighting and killing will seem to be everywhere at once. This is the beginning of the end. Prepare your houses. Prepare your hearts, for the end is upon you. The end of all things quickly approaches.

My children in the earth, My true children, will shine like a beacon in this dark time. Miracles will abound, My Word will go forth with great boldness and authority as it did in the time My Son Jesus walked the earth, and many souls will be added unto My Kingdom. The end is very near now as these souls enter just before the door is shut.

Prepare your houses. Prepare your hearts, for the end is upon you.”

Sadly, the vast majority of the population refuses to listen to the warnings.


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Fear God and Flee from Evil!

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

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