Looks Like More Evil and Wickedness Headed to Lead this Godless Nation Called America

The following article was originally published by Michael Snyder at End of the American Dream. His articles are spot on and his relentless research gives us a glimpse of what clearly may happen in the days ahead. I challenge you to read his article below carefully and then consider exactly what he is saying. Then turn to your Bible and consider how Bible Prophecy is a warning to the clear and present danger America and the rest of the world is facing right now. The days ahead will present many problems and heartaches for the people of earth; if you have not prepared in your heart, mind and soul in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then in your troubles you may not find any comfort. (Used by permission)

Is Hillary Clinton The Athaliah Of Our Generation? Just Check Out What One Eyewitness Is Saying…

By Michael Snyder, on June 6th, 2016

It is amazing to me that the American people would willingly choose an exceedingly wicked woman such as Hillary Clinton to lead them.  Perhaps this is just more evidence of how incredibly far we have fallen as a nation.  There are many out there that are comparing Hillary Clinton to Queen Jezebel from ancient Israel, but to me there is another figure in the Bible that is much more appropriate.  Somewhere around 2800 years ago, King Jehoram of Judah was married to a very wicked woman named Athaliah.  When Jehoram unexpectedly died, his son Ahaziah became king of Judah for about a year, but then he died too.  At that point Athaliah seized power and tried to kill off all male descendants that might pose a threat to her reign.  Fortunately, one very young male descendant did survive, and Athaliah was finally deposed after six horrible years.  If you take a close look at the careers of Hillary Clinton and Athaliah, there are definitely some striking parallels between the two…

-They were both initially married to the ruler of the nation.

-They both had very prominent roles while their husbands ruled.

-They both had an extraordinary lust for power.

-They both exhibited extreme paranoia and dealt ruthlessly with anyone that was a potential threat to their hold on power.

-Athaliah greatly promoted the worship of Baal in ancient Judah, and one of the key elements of Baal worship was child sacrifice.  Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 58 million babies have been murdered in the United States, and Hillary Clinton has spent her entire career telling women that they have “a right to choose” to kill their children.

It would take an entire set of encyclopedias to document all of the evil things that we already know that Hillary Clinton has done, but now disturbing new evidence is coming forward. (READ MORE...)

—————————————————– { END OF MICHAEL'S EXCERPT }————————————————-

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

Coram Deo –

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"Israel has spurned the good; the enemy shall pursue him. 4- They made kings, but not through me. They set up princes, but I knew it not. With their silver and gold they made idols for their own destruction. 5- I have spurned your calf, O Samaria. My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of innocence?" -Hos 8:3-5 (ESV)


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