God Knows the Righteous but Condemns the Wicked

Do You Know Christ – Do You Read Your Bible?

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." -John 3:17 and 18 (KJV)

Do you know Almighty God? Do you know His Son – Jesus Christ? Seriously now, do you really know Him and are you known by Him?

Some stunning questions on this early Sunday morning to help us all wake up a bit … in our Christian faith.

The Book of Psalms is a collection of wake up calls for mankind, a collection of prayers bathed in humility yet realized in stark contrasts. This morning let's start by reading Psalm 1 – the first Psalm of the Psalter;

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2- But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3- And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4- The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 5- Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6- For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish." -Psalm 1 (KJV)

Probably written around 444 BC, this Psalm presents us with many truths that must be found in a Christian's life, yes even here in 2015. It starts out by describing the ways of the righteous and the perils to avoid in order to be established and rooted as a Godly person. It presents us with a litmus test, if you will, that will set a standard for your walk as a God-fearing or Godless man or woman. As being righteous or being wicked.

The Test-

Bringing it into the light of today, lets see how well you fare… (1) Do you seek the advice or council of the wicked – those that don't know God? Who do you go to for Godly truth? Your pastor or gee-whiz [ungodly] friend/s? Do you avoid the principles that the ungodly dictate in society – e.g. gay marriage? (2) Do you walk along the same paths as the wicked? In other words, do you lead a worldly lifestyle contradicting or compromising the principles established by God and given to us in His word. and (3) Do you hang out with the mockers or scoffers; has unbelief in Biblical truths made you hardened to the things of God? Do you contend with those that teach hard-to-swallow Biblical truth? e.g. Bible Prophecy. Do you frequent and fellowship in the camp of the scornful and those that have callous hearts to and for the things of God?

Folks, Psalm 1 presents us with some sobering questions and self-assessments that we must face, and face in front of the mirror asking ourselves, "Am I any of these"? And if you answer yes to any you make your habitation in the camps of the ungodly, unbelievers, and hard-hearted. Yes, this is straight up and hard to digest yet isn't it what is stated here? It's time to turn around.

The Biggie-

Now for the biggie! Here's the one that sets what course you are on and where you're going. This small yet gargantuan sentence draws a line in the sand and will make you stand on one side or the other. Here it is: "But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." Is this you … or maybe not? Do you delight in reading and knowing His word – His law – His Torah – the Bible? Is it your delight – your pleasure and happiness? Do you meditate on it, in other words, do you think about it day and night, ponder it, pray about it, does it fill your being and plot your daily course? Are you consumed by it and is reading it a joy to your soul and spirit? Her it is, this is huge – do you turn off the TV and open your Bible and read it? If you do, then there are many blessings you will reap but if these things don't describe your thoughts, your actions, your deeds and in your walk or even your talk then there is some bad news for your future.

The Bad News –

The Lord says that the ungodly do not these things but are like the chaff of wheat that are blown away from the true good crop. They are worthless and will not be able to stand or survive in the coming judgment. There will be no [repetitious] sinners that will stand or be known in the assembly of the righteous. Won't happen, notta, and nope! If you think that you can lead a lukewarm lifestyle, pray little, refrain from reading your Bible, never talk about the Lord, are embarrassed when you do, are contentious and arrogant, prideful, haughty and high-minded, then friends you will not make it into the Lord's rest – Psa 10:4.

Without Christ in your life, now I mean really in your life – c'mon now – no fooling around, no joking about it, seriously, if He is not in every part of your life and if He is not more important than your family – son, daughter, grandchildren, etc., then you've got some rethinking to do. The Lord must be first and foremost in your life and if He is then you will not be like the ungodly described to us in this Psalm. Instead, you will be like the Godly, like a strong, hearty tree that bears much fruit and you are prosperous in what you do.

Two Paintings –

Wow, what a Psalm! It paints two pictures of a person's life with solid and vibrant colors. Either you are righteous and are known by the Lord God Almighty or you are wicked and will perish. The pictures are stunningly clear; much color for a Godly life and much darkness for the wicked life. That's it, there is no more. No middle of the roaders, no maybers, no procrastinators, no lukewarmers, no I'll think about it laters. This Psalm will chart the road you are on here and right now.

How About It –

How about it – can you handle the truth here? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ and are you saved being born again in the spirit? Folks, the time is now to answer these questions, not later or tomorrow or when you get around to it. Now is the time.  Heck, you or I may not even make it through the day before our name is called into eternity. Are you ready to stand before the Lord, the Creator of the Universe? If you hesitate in facing these truths or if you cannot faithfully answer that you are ready then you need to stop [safely] what you're doing, kneel down and pray to the Lord seeking His forgiveness, confessing your sins and repenting of the sinful and lukewarm lifestyle you've been living. The time is now beloved – seek the Lord while He may be found – Isa 55:6. He's waiting now very long suffering (2 Pet 3:9) but soon the door will close shut -Matt 25:10.

-BPWatcher, Fire-Breathing Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman



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