The Sword, the Christian and the Church

The Sword, the Christian and the Church

"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. " -Luke 22:36 (KJV)

In light of the recent barbaric event that occurred this past week in which a crazed demon-possessed man brutally murdered innocent men and women at a church meeting, I believe it's now time to rethink our Christian position on personal and church safety and security. A church should be a safe haven for hurting lost souls who have no direction and seek to find Almighty God in their lives. A time in which the cares and concerns of the world are met with the saving grace and mercy from the Redeeming Power of Jesus Christ. A true Christian church should be a place of refuge and a place of safety and not just a place of words. So with the events of this past week how do we proceed focused primarily on what scripture says? This is the time to think on these things and perhaps change our strategy.

Our Lord tells us that hate and persecution would come to those that followed and believed in Him and if you look back through history you will certainly see this fomented in pagan and heathen nations which maimed and killed professing Christians time and time again. But now we're in America, a land of freedom which was once a Godly nation but now regressing into heathenism and paganism. For now, we have dissed God, stiff-arming Him out of our lives, public and private, and evil has come in – a wicked and lawless evil that wants to destroy Christians. 


Therefore, we must fall back on Christ's words and read and re-read Luke 22:36 in context. What's it say? What's it mean? The Lord knew that after His death and resurrection hatred and persecution would rise and come against those that followed Him. So He told His disciples (as He's telling us today) to buy a sword. What? Our loving Lord telling them to purchase a weapon…? YES! However, He made it clear that were not to "live by the sword" but it was to be used in defense, to protect one's self and family. So how does this apply to the Christian today?

Now I absolutely believe the staunch and ultra-conservative Christians will pounce on me for saying this is what the Lord meant in the contextual meaning of the above but that's ok, pounce away but I challenge them to read ALL scripture pertaining to safety, security and protection to find out what He was saying.


Yes, I totally believe even though I was skeptical at first, that we as Christians are not to be 'doormats' to every crazed lunatic that wants to put us in the grave. We are to stand up and fight both in heavy-duty spiritual prayer and in the physical realm through protecting ourselves. This means arming ourselves with a 'sword' which today means for me a weapon in concealed carry format everywhere I go, yes even to church. How about you, what are you doing? Read the scripture found in 1 Tim 5:8 and then say how do you provide for your family? Only in food, shelter, gifts and pleasure? What about protecting them? How have you prepared to protect yourself or your family in case a madman filled with the demonic influence of mind-altering drugs or a hardened terrorist decides he wants to blow you or yours away? Think hard on these things and above all read the Bible for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to teach and direct your paths. Seek the Lord for interpretation and direction in this area of you life. Is this for you? Ensure you ask the Lord and get clear clarification before you proceed.

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." -1 Tim 5:8 (KJV)


So now we come down to the Christian Church. How does it fit in all this? What should its role be in protecting worshipers? What are some examples from scripture that can help us determine a course of action against the evil and the wicked who may come in and sit in our midst and then decide to take innocent lives? Pastors and elders I challenge you long and hard to think on this in light of the scriptures not in your own wisdom for in that you will most likely do nothing. For many of our pulpit 'cowards' will retort saying that we should rely only on the protection of the Lord and therefore we will remain neutral and not do anything. Or maybe post a weaker man or woman at the door of the church or as onlookers in the church once services have begun. Really? How will this help? People who have determined to harm you will most likely go through with it and push the well-meaning but capably ineffective out of the way. How will unprepared posted 'onlookers' protect the innocent worshipers? Reality check: post armed strong men and women at your doors to protect the innocent inside and ensure that they are alert and capable of defending in case mayhem breaks out. I'm not saying that people with good intentions are always ineffective but face it they are unprepared to take out someone who is prepared to hurt you or others. Read the scripture found in Neh 4:7-15, and see what they did to prepare for the enemy. For those that disagree with my message today, read the scripture and learn from it. They knew about the enemy and were ready to defend their work on the walls of Jerusalem. In fact, the workers used one arm to work on the wall and their other hand held a weapon – Neh 4:17. Is this not what should be occurring today in our Christian churches? Yes, most certainly! We must protect ourselves against the onslaught of the enemy of our souls – Satan and his demonic hoards who have nothing but destruction on their mind for us. And this destruction has and can manifest itself in those who have nothing but evil and wickedness on their mind. We've seen it all over the world – and ISIS is a good example.


We live in dangerous and perilous times – 2 Tim 3:1-5 and as such we must be prepared – spiritually and physically. We must be vigilant and ready for whatever the enemy brings our way both in the spiritual realm and physical. A true Christian church should be a place of refuge and a place of safety and not just a place of words. We must put action to our faith – James 2:17. Now I am not advocating offensive measures but ONLY defensive ones. We are not to live by the sword for the Lord states plainly that those who live by the sword will die by it – Matt 26:52.  Where are you at with this today? Pray and seek the Lord for His wisdom and His guidance for your life but make sure you keep in prayer. Amen and amen. 

"Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them." -Neh 4:9 (KJV)


-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman




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