America is Not Exempt – Almighty God Will Judge This Nation for its Gross Immorality

"Supremes warned: 'God's judgment' now looming", WND – 4/7/2015


Bible Prophecy Commentary – Disregarding God:

God will not be mocked – Gal 6:7. God will not be disregarded and turned aside. The Old Testament is replete with accounts of what happened to ancient Israel and Gentile nations that told God to 'take a hike' and decided to live the way they wanted and disregard His laws. It did not go well with those people and nations when all was said, judged and done (i.e ancient Babylon, ancient Assyria, Sodom and Gomorrah). And here comes 'almighty' America, so wise in their own eyes, now stiff-arming Almighty God in one of the most important God-established laws – marriage between a man and woman (Gen 2:4; Mat 19:4-6). But we here in America seem to know better and are now on the precipice, from the highest court in the land, to potentially change this God-ordained statute. So what could this mean? As the article clearly states – "God's judgment could be looming". Will this get the courts attention? Let's pray so. Remember, America has been mightily blessed and risen to be a great nation in a short amount of time. For this God will require an account even more so and the judgment/s even greater – Luke 12:48; Jer 8:5, 7; Jer 11:11, 14

God will not let this sin or any other sin go unnoticed – for He doesn't nod or wink at mankind's iniquities. He will judge America for this as well as another heinous sin so prevalent in our advanced hedonistic lifestyle – abortion. Yes all sin can be forgiven but one must seek and ask the Lord for this forgiveness – it is not automatic. Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin; His resurrection brings us eternal life with Him but we must seek Him and confess our sin, making a u-turn in our lives through sincere repentance.

His looming judgment/s should also be a warning to other nations for all of mankind's unrepentant sin will be judged for we know in scripture that His judgments will befall all life on this planet – Rev 6-19. Wake up America for His right hand is still extended but for how long…?

"“God’s Word doesn’t need a majority vote. God’s Word is true regardless of the winds of moral change, and we must stand up for biblical truth in the midst of a depraved society.” " (re: same article WND)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." -Psa 9:17 (KJV)

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." -Prov 29:18 (KJV)


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