The Terror of the Lord!

Flee From the Wrath To Come

“Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men… ” – 2 Cor 5:11a (KJV)

You don’t hear this topic taught in our ‘Christian’ churches today, do you? It’s hardly ever mentioned. But everyday we meet or pass by people on the street, in our businesses, in stores, and everywhere who will spend eternity in hell. Yes, many who sit in church pews will spend eternity in hell! But why? One of the reasons is that they do not know God or they think they know God but do not consider that He is a God of love, mercy and faithfulness and they leave out the word ‘justice’ – Isa 30:18. A justice that will require judgment for those that continue to live in denial of this truth and shun its consequences. You see this world is engrossed in sin and iniquity, especially in America (once a nation that knew God) – it embraces everything that goes against God and His holiness. Embracing, loving and dwelling in sin – allowing what is evil into their lives that offends God. He will punish those who live without knowing Him and without repentant hearts. Sin is not to be marginalized. God is not some heavenly Being that will overlook your sin or grade on a curve based on time in which we live. He is Almighty God, the Ancient of Days, with fiery eyes of blazing fire (Rev 1:14, 19:12) set to bring judgment on those prefer to live in sin instead of turning to Him.

Pastors, elders and church leaders do not preach or teach about the terror of the Lord today. Why? They are afraid their churches will empty out due to perceived ‘negative’, offensive or doomsday preaching. The truth in the pages of the Gospel is written in God’s love but that love also includes a penalty for unrepentant sin. This is what many pastors leave out. The truth taught in the Gospel is also about the wrath of God as much as it is about the ‘lovely’ things of God. Way too many churches speak all around the offensive things that Jesus stated and much about things that are ‘comfortable’, easy and pleasing to the ear. People with their cords of sin wrapped tightly around their lives can actually sit in church untouched and unmoved by the callousness of their hearts. Many fall asleep because the messages are literally boring, empty and un-engaging. Preachers messages are without fire, are weak and meaningless. We should walk out of church with our souls weighed down with Godly sorrow for our sin. Read a brief excerpt from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon given in 1881, about how sermons are delivered today:

“There is not much danger of that, nowadays, for the current notion now abroad is that Gospel ministers can sew with silk without using a sharp needle and that, instead of piercing men with the sword of the Spirit, they should show them only the hilt of it—let them see the bright diamonds on the scabbard, but never let them feel the sharpness of the two-edged blade! They should always comfort, console and cheer, but never allude to the terror of the Lord.” (re: Charles H. Spurgeon, “Flee from the wrath to Come #2704, 10/23/1881)


We have preachers today that rarely take the Word of God, the sharp two-edged sword, out of its scabbard, to instruct their flocks. How shall we know then the real strength and terror of the Lord present in His Word? John the Baptist saw many Pharisees and Sadducess come to where he was baptizing. What did John say to them? -Matt 3:7 Or what did he say to the multitude that came forth to be baptized in Luke 3:7?  People, my point today to tell you of the that the Wrath of God is coming against this sinful and unrepentant world in ways that will make men’s hearts melt in fear -Luke 21:26. Yes, in great awful fear. The fear of the Lord should bring us to our knees in reverence and terror before the presence of God. We should be ashamed of our sin afflicting our very soul with mourning and anguish. Men [of God] in the Old and New Testaments could not stand in God’s presence, they could not look upon Him for they were sore afraid. Should we be any different today or do most stand in arrogance to His will?

We gloss over or discard the Bible’s teaching that God is a God who will bring His vengeance and terror upon men in the last days due to their indifference in recognizing and confessing Him and their sin. God is not kidding about all this; this is not something to be taken lightly. My goodness, we don’t even read our Bibles these days because we are so entangled in worldly things. Our pastor recently asked the congregation who read their Bible everyday … few hands went up. This is tragic before an Almighty and Living God. The Wrath of God is coming folks and many will be caught unawares, resorting to cursing and blaspheming Him instead of loving and turning to Him – Rev 16:10-11.

Is my teaching today designed to scare you? An emphatic yes! Many people will spend eternity in Hell because they have not taken seriously the Terror of the Lord or the Wrath of God. I would rather you heed this message and go to heaven than like me by bringing a pleasing, self-gratifying message to your ears. Wake up people, God’s wrath will soon descend upon mankind and then living, as we know it today, will change drastically -Rev 6-19.


It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” – Hebrews 10:31 (KJV)


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