Another Lockdown?? They Are Conditioning Us To Be Desperate Enough to Run and Get This Experimental Vaccine. Don’t Do It!!!

Editor’s Note: We are being played like human guinea pigs as sheep led to slaughter. The so-called medical professionals are throwing all of us under the bus with so much propaganda that it’s mind-numbing! It’s time for people to wake up and realize they (globalists, leftists, Democrats, and power-hungry and greedy medical doctors) cannot continue to do this. We must RESIST! And one way to do this is to refuse this hyped-up, propped-up, experimental, never used before mRNA vaccine which has caused tremendous suffering to initial trial volunteers already. Do your research on this vax and find out for yourself how damaging this new mRNA vax can be. And NEVER, EVER believe the Main Stream Media (MSM) news outlets – they have an agenda and it’s not to benefit you or me. Here are just a few links to help you understand this COVID vax from real professionals not afraid to share the real truth.


“COVID Vaccines “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” says Wyoming Medical Doctor and Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department”

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Why The COVID-19 Vaccine Should Be FORBIDDEN and Avoided At All Cost”

“Johns Hopkins Takes Down Study Showing US Deaths in 2020 No Different than Prior Years – It Doesn’t Fit their ‘We’re All Gonna Die’ Narrative”

“Lockdowns Are Perpetual Killing Machines That Must Be Stopped”

“The Covid Vaccines are Biometric IDs”

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” -John 8:32 (KJV)


The following article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.  (Used by permission). See his disclaimer below.

After This New Wave Of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will Be So Desperate

By Michael Snyder in Nov 30, 2020

When people become desperate enough, those in power can get most of them to do just about anything.  The first wave of lockdowns knocked us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, it sent suicide rates soaring all over the globe, and it plunged millions upon millions of ordinary citizens into a deep state of despair.  Now another wave of lockdowns is being instituted all over the planet, and this is going to perfectly set the stage for the “solutions” that the elite plan to offer all of us in 2021.

It has been said that if you want people to be willing to accept a solution, first you have to make them realize that they have a problem.

And once this “dark winter” finally ends, almost everybody will be absolutely desperate to return to their “normal” lives.

With each passing day, more extremely harsh restrictions are being imposed.  For example, a brand new “stay at home order” was just issued in Los Angeles County

All public and private gatherings with anyone outside a single household are now banned in Los Angeles County, as most of the country grapples with an unprecedented surge of Covid-19.

The ban will last three weeks, starting Monday and ending December 20.

It would be nice if the lockdown actually does get lifted before the end of the year, but for at least the next three weeks all 10 million people living in L.A. County will be forced “to stay home as much as possible”

All 10 million residents are asked to stay home as much as possible and wear face masks when outside — even when exercising at the beach and parks, said the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, which issued the order last week.

On top of that, California Governor Gavin Newsom is warning that he may soon impose “much more dramatic, arguably drastic” restrictions for the entire state…

California Gov Gavin Newsom just warned that more drastic steps could be taken to contain the virus after the state reported another 15k+ new cases yesterday. The Golden State could be facing “much more dramatic, arguably drastic” measures to contain the spread of the virus. The state also broke its record for hospitalized patients yesterday: The state reported 7,415 coronavirus hospitalizations, with more than 1,700 of those patients in ICUs. The number of hospitalizations broke the state’s previous record of 7,170 in July.

Unfortunately, we are witnessing similar craziness all over the nation.  In New Mexico, the new restrictions that were just instituted created so much panic that people were soon waiting for hours just to get into a supermarket to shop for food…

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) has put immense pressure on businesses with her “abrupt” lockdown order – forcing “nonessential” businesses to close and creating what has been dubbed “modern breadlines” — with people waiting 2-4 hours to enter essential retailers, former GOP Senate candidate Elisa Martinez explained during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

After seeing what the first round of lockdowns did to our nation, why would these politicians want to do it again?

More than 70 million Americans have filed unemployment claims so far in 2020, more than 40 million could be facing eviction in 2021, and there has been a dramatic spike in suicides during this pandemic.

When a 90-year-old woman named Nancy Russell found out that another lockdown was happening in her area, she decided to opt for assisted suicide

According to CTV News, a 90-year-old woman living in Toronto took her own life via medically assisted suicide, the choice made in large part due to the second surge of coronavirus cases and a looming period of increased restrictions.

As I keep reminding my readers, there is always hope if you look at the bigger picture and suicide is never the answer to anything.

Unfortunately, most people are not getting a message of hope from the mainstream media, and Russell decided that the months ahead were going to be too bleak in her nursing home for her to be able to handle…

About the Author: I am a voice crying out for change in a society that generally seems content to stay asleep.  My name is Michael Snyder and I am the publisher of The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I have written four books that are available on including The Beginning Of The EndGet Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters.  (#CommissionsEarned)  By purchasing those books you help to support my work.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but due to government regulations I can only allow this to happen if this “About the Author” section is included with each article.  In order to comply with those government regulations, I need to tell you that the controversial opinions in this article are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished.  This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Michael Snyder or the operators of the websites where my work is republished.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help.


Fear God and Flee from Evil!

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

PJA6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

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