“But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth .For in these I delight,” says the Lord..” -Jer 9:24 (KJV) For those … Continue reading
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Editor’s Note: The Lord God Almighty warns us of things to come as we enter into the last days or end times before His return. Some believe this and some don’t and I feel sorry for the “don’ts”. These events … Continue reading →
Wise and Ready or Foolish and Unprepared? “For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps” -Matt 25:3 (ESV) Today, I am amazed at people … Continue reading →