Your Body Goes to the Grave But What About Your Soul … Where Will Your’s Go?
Don’t put off considering [strongly] your salvation today. This is NOT something to play around with – this is eternity we are talking about and it’s forever and it’s serious. Please I encourage you to make a decision and/or a repentant u-turn in your life back to the Lord. Please don’t play games with your salvation; heaven is real but so is hell and it’s a place YOU DON’T want to end up in no matter what this life offers you. Satan is a subtle deceiver and will trick you into following his evil/wicked ways instead of the Lord’s good and righteous paths.
Death – this dark and unseen foe will face us all one day – a most sobering reality! And on that day, we will all face eternity with our destination locked in. For heaven or for hell. Some may disagree but regardless the cold hard fact is, this covert ‘enemy’ death will meet us face-to-face at the door of eternity and this will be inescapable.
Men are shooting men in cold blood with insane, wicked and senseless violence these days (e.g. BLM, Antifa, progressives, Leftists, morons, lunatics, etc). You and I have to wake up to the fact that one day, it could be that our life has been snuffed out. Wake up!!
Folks, this is the reality of the times we are living – death can come fast and without any notice or warning. Heart attacks, “death-jabs”, car accidents, stray bullets, kids being shot, and killed playing in the streets or on playgrounds. None of these were in a war, none were expecting to die that day on that hour or that minute but the fact is they did. Death came knocking and to take away. There was no announcing its arrival and to many, there was no time to prepare or make decisions previously unmade or even reverse poor decisions. So the big question is –
…are you ready for death if something unexpected took your life today?
I’m not trying to scare you but I am trying to underline and highlight the real-life reality of this inevitable event.
But are you saved?
James 4:14 says that life is but a vapor – we are here today yet can be gone tomorrow. What does this say to you? Are you shaken or stirred in your spirit that eternity is waiting just up ahead undetected and unforeseen? Have you ever thought about it? You know once you pass through the gates of death you cannot come back and do a re-do. You can’t return and live a better life or make a better eternal decision for Christ. Now is the time, today is the day. Many living in this world live only the things in this world and their security and hope are all wrapped up in stuff, friends, or family. No God, no thought of Him nor knowledge of Him. Many people think they will live to an old ripe age and later on, at some point, they will consider thinking about their eternal destination and perhaps think about Christ and what He did for us. And by then, they think, they’ll turn their worldly lifestyles and consider their sin and do something about it. Not so fast friends, the ‘by then’ timeframe may never come, and ‘by then’ it may be too late. Now is the day and now is the time to do something about it for tomorrow may never come.
“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth–” -James 4:14 (KJV)
There are professed Christians that sit in church every Sunday that don’t know Almighty God and will not enter His rest. Look at Matt 7:23-25. What does the Lord say on that day to even the people who professed Him as Lord, Lord and performed miracles, “I never knew you, depart from me…” Friends, what does this speak to you? To me, it says that we should do everything we can NOW to KNOW the Lord. And how do we know Him? Sincerely read His word, pray, seek His face, confess our sins, practice repentance, witness to others. These are some of the things we should do daily in living for Him. Do you do these things? What will He say to you once you stand before Him? Remember, your eternal destination is not based on how ‘good’ you may think you are or on your good works. It based solely on your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son. It’s about faith, hope, and trust.
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” -Matt 7:21-23 (KJV)
So are you saved?
So today, right now wherever you are, whoever you are – wealthy, famous, weak, poor, prideful, ignorant – strongly consider where you are at in your walk with Christ or maybe you are not walking with Him. First, turn off the TV, get away from social networking and withdraw to someplace by yourself where you can get alone with God and pray. Seek Him and pour out your heart to Him. Ask the Lord if you are right in His eyes. He will guide you and He will direct your life but you absolutely must trust in Him and walk by faith not by your sight (2 Cor 5:7). This is a required regimen for every Christian.
Relying on church attendance, pastors, priests, (Popes), and friends in the congregation and family will not ensure you enter Christ’s home – heaven, His rest, eternity with Him.
Instead this is a one-on-one between you and the Lord! Eph 2:8-9
And those who think that regular church attendance are the means to enter heaven are being deceived big time by your spiritual enemy – Satan. Disregard and dispose of this false teaching regardless of who it comes from. Read God’s word, know Him, know His Son, and count on the Holy Spirit to lead you daily through thick and thin. Jeremiah 9:24 puts things into a blunt perspective.
If you had to evaluate your life right now would you say that if you died today you would see the Lord and be ushered into His rest? Are you not sure? If you are not absolutely sure of your eternal destination then it’s time to get on your knees in prayer to the Lord, confessing your sin, professing Jesus Christ as your Lord and that Almighty God raised Him from the dead -Rom 10:9-10. Ask Him into your life to be your Lord and Savior, then live for Him daily not just on Sunday. Repent of your sins … daily. Live a holy life before Him. Witness to others – share Christ with your friends and family and neighbors. This is what being a Christian really means. Are you saved today? For remember the words of Christ …
“For many are called, but few are chosen..” -Matt 22:14 (KJV)
*** The Gift of Salvation is Free. Follow the Lord and Be Ye Saved! ***
-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman
The Kingdom of Almighty God is at Hand!