The Rapture of the Bride of Christ Will Occur but Will You Be Taken?

To the Scoffers, Mockers and Critics: What if the ‘Rapture’ Does Occur?

Once the reality sets in … will you and yours have been taken by Christ or left behind on earth?

What will it be like after the born-again, real Bible-believing Christians known by the Lord are caught away (raptured) at some point in the, I believe, very near future? Let me first say that in this discussion the legitimacy and validity of the rapture will not be in focus and can be a topic for a future post. Albeit, it is this author’s absolute belief that the rapture will occur as described in OT and NT scripture. In review, prior to Christ’s return to earth, He will return in the clouds and gather His bride – the ‘called out’ ones – His true followers – and take them back to His house in heaven. Once this occurs the Seven Year Tribulation will start and it could occur simultaneously. Back to what will it be like, that is, after the true Christians are instantly removed from this earth in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor 15:51-53)?

World Turmoil Now…

We know that right now the world is rapidly descending into a continuous spiral of wickedness, hate, anxiety, strife and unrest. The Middle East is on fire and wars are in process. Extreme weather is everywhere, earthquake frequency and intensity are rising, more and more volcanoes are becoming active, sinkholes opening, people hating and killing one another, riots all over, homosexuality and gay-marriage have surpassed that of Sodom and Gomorrah. America’s abortion industry is still going strong – killing innocent human beings before they are born. The world is teetering on the edge of an unparalleled global economic meltdown and on and on it goes. We are facing unprecedented calamities on a global scale; now I know some will scoff at this and that is their prerogative but for me and many others including renown Bible scholars this world is rapidly approaching the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son.

Evil and Wickedness Now…

The evil and wickedness are bad and getting worse (but not as bad as it will get). Lawlessness is also rising fast. If you examine the pages of Scripture you will discover that these things are prophesied and will increase multi-fold once the church is gone (raptured) because the ‘restrainer’ spoke of in 2 Th 2:6-7 will be removed as well. That would mean that the world would then face the unleashed force of Satanic wickedness. Try and get your brain around that thought for a moment…

Just Before The Rapture…

It is likely that just before the rapture occurs the world will have experienced some very terrible Biblically prophesied wars devastating to Israel and to other nations. The beginnings are found in Psalm 83 – Arab/Israeli conspiracy and the Eze 38/39 or Gog/Magog war involving a Russia/Islamic led invasion against Israel. The results of this will set new standards for the world in terms of geopolitical governments, powers and geography. Israel will regain lost land amidst the aftermath of the much loss of life for the nations that come against her. A new [temporary] peace may emerge formed and fashioned by the as yet the unrevealed Antichrist – a man speaking with much intrigue and with attractive magnetic words. Many will flock to him as he will speak with much deception and deceive many. I fully believe this man is alive today; who he is I can only guess.

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” -1 Th 4:16-17 (KJV)

Five Minutes After … What Will It Be Like?

Five minutes after the rapture occurs with perhaps millions of people that have suddenly disappeared you can be sure the very next scenario to be played out will be chaos and confusion on a major scale. In the blink of an eye people from all walks of life will be gone, some of your own family members swept away – there one second and gone the next. Some church goers will be taken but most will remain; this will be overwhelming in itself. Police forces will be somewhat reduced, the military as well – some gone yet many remain. Deception will begin to prevail 2 Th 2:3-12. Chaos and confusion never seen or experienced before will begin to manifest on our streets, at work and in our homes. The calamity that will develop after the abrupt exodus of all babies, small children, and real born-again Christians will be devastating. People will not know what to do, they will look around for their [born-again Christian] loved ones but they will not find them. There will be mass confusion. Again, some will be taken and others who have stubbornly and constantly refused to accept Christ as their Savior and refused to know Him or live a holy life, after being told many times that this event would occur, will be left here … left behind. Most will be stunned that this event (the rapture) actually took place. Folks, I am writing the Gospel truth here. They aren’t politically correct and yes some will be offended but they must be said. For when they come to pass and I have failed to tell you then I will not be fulfilling my role as a watchman for the Lord.

After the initial shock of the rapture being real and many but not all Christians taken, anger and disappointment will wax strong. 

Many in the church, left behind, will be terribly angry at their pastors and elders for not telling them the truth.

I suspect countless pastors and elders, priests and bishops who also thought themselves secure in knowing Christ will be unbelievably left here. Then heartache and sorrow will kick in – shear anguish and paralyzing, incapacitating, and the disabling fear of what’s next. Tremendous doubt and anxiety – the enemy of our souls will have a field day with most people. Fear of being left alone in a abundantly wicked world will be overwhelming to many. The world will be changed and this not for the good. When the bride of Christ departs the good once imparted by their presence and prayers will leave the world with only – initially – the ungodly, the wicked, the ones who don’t know the Lord – Matt 7:21-23. But there will be hope for those left behind; salvation will be available as God’s hand is always reaching out to those that seek Him. Many will be saved in the Tribulation but it will be at a high cost.

So What Time Is It Now?

The time is ticking away friends, the hour late, prophesied events are occurring with increasing frequency and intensity, day by day, week by week. But who’s listening, who’s watching? Who’s spending quality time in prayer and quality time in reading and studying God’s word? When the rapture occurs you will not care about how much money you’ve made or how busy you were with friends, family or work. Or just business as usual, which has governed your daily life.

You will be crushed with despair in retrospect of your ungodly life or your playing with the things of God and/or your historical rejection of Christ’s free offer of salvation.

Or perhaps you thought you knew Him but lived more with one foot in the world and the other foot just ‘playing’ church. That’s being lukewarm and that will make God vomit or spew you out of His mouth. A horrifying thought to say the least! Have you been shaken by my words today? Does this make you think a little more about where you stand with the Lord? I hope so!

If you are left here you will start a new journey – a new life wrapped in very perilous times. You will now have to find Jesus Christ amidst the rising tide of an Antichrist-laden world and folks, according to God’s word, it won’t be pretty – Rev 6-19. Please above all things you do today, seek Him and repent of your sinful lifestyle and follow Him – Acts 3:19; Rom 10:9-10. He’s ready, willing, able, full of love, grace and mercy giving all of us much time to call upon Him. If you put this off until another day … that day may never come. Do this today!


 -BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman

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