World on the Edge of War: Are You Prepared and Are You Ready?

Have You Biblically Prepared For What's Ahead?

"The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing." -Prov 20:4 (ESV)

If you follow only the Main [Lame] Stream Media (MSM) you are not in the know concerning the events taking place across this planet. The MSM is satiated with this circus [joke] of an election and all the bickering and garbage/baggage these "top" candidates bring with them. It's sickening and poses a huge distraction to get people away from what should really be reported. Even the big news channels are drunk on this election campaign. So what's the rest of the story…?

War! It's awful close. Proxy wars have and are occurring now. And they are ramping up the cost of an even bigger world war.

Russia and the US are duking it out in Syria. The US using its proxy terrorists (yes, including ISIS) and the 'moderate' rebels. It's all because the US doesn't want to lose Syria. Russia has got in the way so now the US may take action against Russia directly. Folks, this could spark a huge world war. Additionally, China is just waiting in the wings to pounce on us because of the South China Sea situation. And N Korea and Iran are also waiting to take us out. In fact, there's current bombing and attacks going on in Yemen – the US against the Houthi (Iran's proxy) rebels.

If there's ever been a time, since Israel became a nation (1948) and Jerusalem was recaptured (1967), that the Red Horse of Rev 6 could be riding – it's now!

The pace at which the world is unraveling is stunning. But the big question for you and me is – Are we prepared for what may occur even here in the US? What if electricity was cut off? Your credit cards or ATM's didn't work anymore? The grocery stores ran out of food since no trucks were running or delivering? Gas for your car became obsolete after a few days? What in the world will you do?

Oh, but you might be one of those that says all this is fear mongering and just scare tactics. Well, let me say to those that have their heads planted firmly in their arrogant sandbox …. Wake Up! This world is deteriorating at breakneck speed and a huge war could break out at any minute. Have you read how Russia just recently had a nuclear attack preparation drill putting 40 million people in bunkers? How about Putin's order just this week ordering all foreign officials and students home to the Motherland ASAP?

According to the reports I have heard Diego Garcia in the Indian ocean – a US base – now has tons of B1, B2 and B52 bombers just recently flown in. The US has recently dispatched fuel tanker aircraft to the Middle East. Russia has pulled over 60 mobile nukes out of caves ready to be used. Russia has established a "no-fly" zone over parts of Syria saying that any aircraft entering the airspace without their or Syrian government permission will be shot down.

And I haven't even mentioned the increased tension between N and S Korea, China, India and Pakistan, Libya, etc. 

Folks, things are getting worse by the day. But who is seeing and hearing these things? Who's attentive to world events these days or are they too busy writing worthless dribble on Facebook, posting pretty pictures and things oblivious to certain destruction coming all across the globe? You had better listen up, put Twitter and Facebook on the back burner and consider what you would do if you were faced with the situation some nations are going through right now.

Any of our Christian pastors speaking about this every Sunday? If you are not, why are you not preparing your flocks?

It's time to wake up people! Learn what's happening around you … now!

It's time to think smartly, think Biblically and start preparing for the worse. If you don't – listen to me – if you don't, you won't be ready and will have only yourself to blame!!!

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -Benjamin Franklin 

The current world is very unstable for excessive debt is bringing nations to the brink of collapse. In fact some have already collapsed. So what will you do when it all collapses? Complain because you weren't told? Stand on your arrogant and prideful ground because you want to maintain "your always right" mentality or will you now open your eyes and ears are start preparing?

"The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it." -Proverbs 22:3, 27:12 (ESV)

In the Bible – from the Lord God Almighty – He gives us several examples of people hearing His word and preparing for what was to come. First, Noah and the Ark – God told Him to build and Ark to save himself and his family – he did! Joseph was warned in a dream that there would be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine -Genesis 41:26-41. He listening and prepared saving Egypt and his family from starvation. Even the ant is an example for us; to consider her ways and how the ant prepares for the seasons yet to come. Folks, we are in the season of great calamities and perhaps great wars and devastations to befall this nation and earth. How are you preparing?

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 7- Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 8- Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest." -Prov 6:6-8 (KJV)

First, are you aware of what the Bible says? Do you listen at church to what the pastor says about loving, being nice, etc but fail to read your Bible and learn about the "doomish" (yes, gloom and doom – read the Book of Revelation) things yet to come? You know Almighty God inspired and wrote the Bible. Do you say anything to friends and family? Or is your silence deafening?

It's time to prepare. Get some extra water in your house, extra food, toiletries, medications, water purification tablets, electrical backup power and yes more food. Prepare like you are going on a long trip and there are no convenience stores along the way. The time is now friends, start your preparation actions now.

Finally and most importantly, prepare your heart, mind and soul in the Lord for what is now and what is to come. Make sure that you are saved – now today. Ensure that you know where you are going when you die. How many people in the world today, faced with death in the blink of an eye have not thought of where they will spend eternity? Once you pass through the doors of death it's too late to make decisions. Make them today, call upon the name of the Lord and be saved – Rom 10:9-13;

Salvation is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. Seek Him today.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -Acts 4:12 (KJV)

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman



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World on the Edge of War: Are You Prepared and Are You Ready? — 1 Comment

  1. These days #preppers are being looked at as crazy people. But so was #Noah when he was building the ark.