When a Nation or People Lose Their Fear of God

"Will all those who claim to know Jesus be surprised when He denies knowing you?", Hagmann & Hagmann- 1/3/2015


Bible Prophecy Commentary: No Fear of God – Do You Tremble at His Word?

When a person or nation loses their fear of the Lord, they open the door to all kinds of spiritual darkness and evil will triumph. The more they stiff-arm the calling of the Lord, the more they allow their lives to be controlled by dark things. Now when a nation does this the ramifications can be tremendous, in fact, we can see this happening across our world today. ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and all terrorists everywhere. They are increasing in severity and strength because demonic darkness is on the rise.

"Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling." -Psalm 2:11 (KJV)

In America the advancing evil is staggering! We have lost our fear of God from the White House, throughout the Congress and even in our so-called Christian churches and our "Christian" lives. Pride, arrogance, wealth and idolatry is waxing strong and Almighty God is being asked to "get out"? As this progresses men and women will succumb to these pressures unless they are firmly grounded and founded in God's word and His will. This is difficult in the world in which we live today: persecutions, unbelief, peer pressures, godless governments, evil being touted as right and good being portrayed as evil – Isa 5:20. The abortion abominations that are being revealed now shows how far America has fallen and also how severe their judgment will be from Almighty God. Folks, He does not kid around!

This nation finished for with this detestable human life travesty combined with the very Biblical institution of marriage being  turned upside down by the judges of this nation, we have absolutely and decisively turned our face and our back on God. There is little national talk of repentance let alone revival. There is no outrage from Christian pulpits or churches. And all this is to say nothing of our stand now against Israel. America is doomed whether you like it or not. It's time as a gaining ground GOP presidential candidate has reiterated numerous time (paraphrased) –  it's time to wake up for America is in deep trouble!

So as people lose their fear of God, they will lose their faith as well – they will become apostates of the faith. They will fall away from the knowledge of His word and fall out of His will. Now this is very subtle at first until you find yourself trapped in a web of deceit, deception and despair. These are Satan's cunning methods to trap and snatch you into his lair and destroy you. There are many who are being deceived today because they do not have a personal relationship with the Lord, nor do they pray or read His word. In the end when they stand before the judgment seat of God, He will utter, "Depart from Me, I never knew you". We all have the choice friends to stay close to Him in our daily lives or to drift and be caught up in worldly ways. The big question facing all of us is where are we at in the Lord today? Are we walking in His will and does He know us by the lives we live in Him? Sobering thoughts and  should be a wake up call to all who call themselves Christians.

"There is no fear of God before their eyes." -Rom 3:18 (KJV)


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Psa 122:6 (KJV)

Coram Deo

-BPWatcher, Internet Preacher and Bible Prophecy Watchman


"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." -Psa 9:17 (KJV)

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." -Prov 29:18 (KJV)


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