Heart-Failing Fear in the Last Days
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
-Luke 21:25-26
These last days will bring extraordinary events and circumstances upon this earth and upon its people. Fear will be among them and will cause many to tremble and shake with the anticipation of the terrible things that will occur and in fact are occurring now. Fear will make people be ineffective in their faith, it will cause many to be stricken with worry; it will cause even more to be overwhelmed with doubt and unbelief. Men's hearts will wax colder and colder; hate will be prevalent. Wickedness will abound. Disasters and natural calamities will be of such degree that they will create mega-fear in men and women causing them to hide trying to seek comfort but this world will offer little if any consolation. There will be untold deception, deceit and lying. People will believe that which is false – they will follow a delusion from the truth. Many people who claim to be Christians today or 'religious' will fall away from their faith and follow other doctrines.
Signs and wonders from the sun, moon and stars will be like never before. Nations and kingdoms will be against each other and wars will increase. This will not be a pleasant time on the earth; there will be even less peace than we know today. Believers (not grounded in the Word of God) and unbelievers alike will be afraid and filled with much trepidation. Please pay attention to these things – this is no joke nor game. It is coming, God does not lie.
You see the faith of a true Christian is built on Jesus Christ and it is this faith, this rock of belief that will cause us to be unshakeable and immovable and help others see the truth in Yeshua (Jesus Christ). But many will forget their identity or relationship that they have in the Lord Jesus Christ, they will focus more on the troubles they face more than the Rock of Refuge we have in Him our God. Heartaches will be plentiful but count on God to see you through. The Rapture of the Church will bring much confusion, deception, deceit and lies about its reality and these will run rampant for those left behind. For those not ready for the times now and yet to come they will be consumed with fear and unpreparedness. The ones satisfied with the 'status quo' today, not giving the latter days a thought will be caught unawares like a thief in the night. Those that don't seek God daily, those that don't read His word daily, those that pray little daily, those that fail to confess of and repent of their sin daily will be perplexed and dazed with the dread and terror they see and hear.
Pastors and elders should take this time and prepare the church by teaching the full council of God, not holding back in fear of offending their congregations. They are responsible for the nurture and well-being of their flocks. Woe to those that fail in preparing their people; they will be held more accountable – Heb 13:17, James 3:1.
Please before things reach this point, turn your life over to Jesus Christ and call on Him to save you – cry out to Him, He will hear. He has given us the free gift of salvation and has pardoned us from our sin through His death on the Cross of Calvary but you must believe. Accept Him today – Rom 10:9-13 – and know that your faith is founded on Christ and not on anything contained in this world. For the saved, we exist in this world but are really just passing through. Eternity with Christ is our home.
"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
– 2 Peter 3:11-12