God is Warning America!

Read WND's – "'Harbinger' author says Almighty warning U.S.", 2/15/2013, full article  >>>


Bible Prophecy Commentary:

God always warned through His prophets before doing anything against the land or people – Amos 3:7. The same holds true for today. God has selected certain people to warn this nation to REPENT before He sends His judgments. I believe several have already fallen on this land as 'wake up' calls in the form of 'remedial' judgments.
>>>But, we continue to turn away from God's warnings.<<< American's are MORE interested in their 'stuff' than they are in God (this is called idolatry). I know Christian church leaders who shy away from teaching about sin, repentance, Godly sorrow. Why? Bottom-line … most are hypocrites and live in a box of comfort surrounding themselves in palaces of man-made glory – Amos 5:21-24.
We BEST wake up and warn congregations across the land; God is serious about sin's consequences. His judgments are coming – Rev 6-19.

Keep alert, keep watch, keep your eyes on Israel and keep in prayer.


"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" – Luke 21:28


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